Books written by Laronistine Dyson

  • Boot Camps: An Intermediate Sanction

    To further safeguard against false reporting , as argued by Inciardi ( 1987 ) , by Inciardi ( 1987 ) , participants ' initial questionnaires were compared to their exit questionnaires . Those that were found to be inconsistent ...

  • Criminal Justice and Criminology: Terms, Concepts, and Cases

    ... of the ( Inciardi , 1999 ) . Nevertheless , the privileges and immunities that the Court ruled in Twining that Fourteenth Amendment prohibited defendants in state courts do not the states from ignoring . The enjoy the protection ...

  • Legal Rights of Prisoners: Cases and Comments

    Furthermore, the book discusses the defenses that general administrators use to justify their actions. In the final analysis, the book focuses on the future of correctional litigation.

  • Significant Prisoner Rights Cases

    This book provides the reader with a clear and concise presentation of cases brought by prisoners under the First, Fourth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments challenging the conditions of their confinement.

  • Criminological Theories: Understanding Crime in America

    Criminological Theories introduces criminal justice professionals and students to a general, but comprehensive look at criminological theories. Using professional jargon in an easy-to-read format, this book provides the reader with...