Books written by Eduardo Galeano

  • Faces and Masks: Memory of Fire

    The second volume of Eduardo Galeano's Memory of Fire trilogy, Faces and Masks is an astonishing Latin American-eye view of the New World in the making.

  • Century of the Wind

    “Nothing less than a unified history of the Western Hemisphere.” —The New Yorker From Guatemala to Rio de Janeiro, La Paz to New York City, Managua to Havana, Century of the Wind ties together the events and people—both large and ...

  • Faces and Masks

    In the second book of his Memory of Fire trilogy, Eduardo Galeano forges a new understanding of the Americas, history retold from a diverse collection of viewpoints.

  • Memory of Fire

    Memory of Fire

  • Century of the Wind: Memory of Fire

    The third volume of Eduardo Galeano's Memory of Fire trilogy, Century of the Wind offers a panorama of Galeano's singular vision of the past, turbulent century: from the bucolic New Jersey laboratory of Thomas Alva Edison to the armies of ...

  • We Say No: Chronicles 1963-1991

    Gathers thirty-four essays about South American politics, freedom, torture, the oil industry, Latin American culture, fascism, and poverty

  • An Uncertain Grace

    From a Brazilian mine where 50,000 mud-covered men haul heavy bags of dirt up and down slippery ladders in search of a stray nugget of gold, to a former lake...

  • Sebastião Salgado: An Uncertain Grace (Signed Edition)

    A world renowned photographer's powerful, empathetic, troubling vision of people struggling against difficult odds while maintaining the dignity and sense of self that define the very roots of human existence.

  • Days and Nights

    Days and Nights of Love and War is the personal testimony of one of Latin America's foremost contemporary political writers.

  • 100 relatos breves: antología

    ... tartamudeos , del síndrome de abstinencia . El testamento de Helena pide que no le lleven flores a la tumba : -Llévenme el diario -pide . INÉDITO EN LIBRO NOTICIAS Los monos confunden al gato Félix con Tarzán , 88 Elogio de la prensa.

  • Días y noches de amor y de guerra

    ... era vinería por las noches у durante el día vendía frutas y verduras . Allí conocí las canciones de la guerra española y ciertas tonadas criollas que me acompañan todavía . Y también aprendí otras cosas , de boca de los poetas y los ...

  • Voices of Time: A Life in Stories

    One of South America's leading authors shares a kaleidoscopic collection of reflections, memories, observations, and folklore that chronicles the author's own life story, from his family's immigration to Uruguay in the early twentieth ...

  • Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina

    En Potosí la plata levantó templos y palacios, monasterios y garitos, ofreció motivo a la tragedia y a la fiesta, derramó la sangre y el vino, encendió la codicia y desató el despilfarro y la aventura. La espada y la cruz marchaban ...

  • Guatemala: Ensayo general de la violencia política en América Latina

    19-28; y del mismo autor, Repensando el antiamericanismo. La historia de un concepto excepcional en las relaciones internacionales estadounidenses, 2a ed., Madrid, Machado, 2015 [2012], especialmente cap. 4, pp. 205-227.

  • Bocas del tiempo

    Este libro ofrece una multitud de pequenas historias que cuentan, juntas, una sola historia. Es una travesia por los temas mas diversos: el amor, la infancia, el agua, la tierra,...

  • El fútbol a sol y sombra

    El fútbol a sol y sombra

  • Our Culture is Our Resistance: Repression, Refuge, and Healing in Guatemala

    For the past ten years Jonathan Moller has photographed communities uprooted by war in Guatemala. The result is "Our Culture Is Our Resistance," a collection of portraits taken during that...

  • Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

    These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.

  • Las venas abiertas de América Latina

    Las venas abiertas de América Latina

  • Days and Nights

    Days and Nights of Love and War is the personal testimony of one of Latin America's foremost contemporary political writers.