Books written by Madonna Harrington Meyer

  • Market Friendly or Family Friendly?: The State and Gender Inequality in Old Age

    Several studies show that women have less autonomy, authority, and control at work, and therefore experience higher rates of physical and mental distress (Ross and Mirowsky 2001, 2003a, 2003b; Padavic and Reskin 2002; Turner and Turner ...

  • Care Work: Gender, Labor, and the Welfare State

    (Bill, Hope senior) Hope's vision is supported by the physical structure of Hope Meadows. The physical proximity of the homes, ... Last summer my husband was in the hospital for 53 days. When he was in the hospital for so long like that ...

  • Gerontology: Changes, Challenges, and Solutions [2 volumes]: Changes, Challenges, and Solutions

    Next, we discuss poverty, income, and wealth dynamics across the life course in the United States and how inequality in each is shaped by age, gender, and race-ethnicity. Economic outcomes influence many aspects of well-being over one's ...

  • Grandparenting in the United States

    Others enumerate the positive, and negative, impacts of frequent interaction for both generations. In total, the volume underscores the impact of evolving diversification of grandparenting across multiple generations.

  • Care Work: Gender, Labor, and the Welfare State

    Developing Staff Competencies for Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities: An Orientation Handbook. Baltimore: Paul H.Brookes. Gallagher, J.J., and P.M.Vietze (eds.). 1986. Families of Handicapped Persons: Research, Programs, ...

  • Grandmothers at Work: Juggling Families and Jobs

    Madonna Harrington Meyer’s Grandmothers at Work, based primarily on 48 in-depth interviews conducted in 2009-2012 with grandmothers who juggle working and minding their grandchildren, explores the strategies of, and impacts on, working ...

  • Grandparenting Children with Disabilities

    Does your parenting style—your manner of caring for your grandchild with a disability—refiect the parents'? Similarities? ... care of grandchildren with disabilities, ever make you feel stress? ... Take care of your own home?

  • Gerontology [2 volumes]: Changes, Challenges, and Solutions [2 volumes]

    ... Pre - 1945 cohort - 1945-1955 cohort. United States The China Health Aging and 2011 , 2013 45 and Retirement ... 2001 , 2003 , 2012 , 2015 New Zealand Health and Aging Research Team Northern Ireland Cohort for the Longitudinal Study of 2010 ...

  • Grandparenting in the United States

    "Grandparenting in the United States is evolving into a more diverse experience. Grandparents may live in the same home or on a different continent; they may provide intensive grandchild care...