Books written by Randy O. Wayne

  • Plant Cell Biology: From Astronomy to Zoology

    J. Cell Sci. 96, 721e730. Cole, K.S., Curtis, H.J., 1938. Electrical impedance of Nitella during activity. J. Gen. Physiol. 22, 37e64. Cole, K.S., Curtis, H.J., 1939. Electrical impedance of the squid axon during activity. J. Gen.

  • Light and Video Microscopy

    Reflection-interference microscopy can be used to measure small distances, and has been used in biology to determine the distance between a cell and its substrate (Curtis, 1964; Eye FIGURE 8-22 Diagram of two possible arrangements used ...

  • Plant Cell Biology: From Astronomy to Zoology

    Pearson, K., 1905. National Life from the Standpoint of Science. Adam and Charles Black, London. Pearson, K., Moul, M., 1925. The problem of alien immigration into Great Britain, illustrated by an examination of Russian and Polish ...

  • Light and Video Microscopy

    Debré, P., Baltimore. 1998. Louis Pasteur. Johns Hopkins University Press, de Broglie, L., no date. An Introduction to the Study of Wave Mechanics. E. P. Dutton and Co., New York. de Broglie, L., 1922. Black radiation and light quanta.

  • Light and Video Microscopy

    Peacock, ed. Vol. I. John Murray, London, pp. 170–178. Young, T., 1802b. The Bakerian Lecture. On the theory of light and colours. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 92, 12–48. Young, T., 1804a. Experiments and calculations relative to ...