Books written by James Jacobs

  • Starfinder RPG Alien Archive 2 Pocket Edition

    Inside this book, you'll find the following: * Over 100 bizarre life-forms both classic and new, from the voracious akatas and silicon-based quorlus to radioactive pluprex demons and void-dwelling vermin. * More than a dozen races with full ...

  • Pathfinder 2 - Monsterhandbuch 3

    Pathfinder 2 - Monsterhandbuch 3

  • Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast

    In Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast, the fan-favorite town is presented in great detail, with full stat blocks for the region's important NPCs, dozens of quests, and expanded information on every major ...

  • Classic Monsters Revisited

    Pathfinder and the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path famously reimagined goblins, detailing their culture, mannerisms, and tactics in a way that made a boring old monster one of the most hotly discussed foes in fantasy roleplaying.