Books written by Roy Jackson

  • Fifty Key Figures in Islam

    Finally, if the reader wishes an easy introduction to Islam, I can do no better than recommend Karen Armstrong's A Short History of Islam. She does what all we Islamic scholars wish we could do: sift through the many volumes available ...

  • Nietzsche and Islam

    Reproduced in Kurzman (1998). Arkoun, Mohammad. 1988. 'The Concept of Authority in Islamic Thought: “La Hukma ilia lillah”', in Islam, State and Society, ed. by K.Ferdinand and M.Mozaffer. Curzon Press. UK. pp. 53–73. Armstrong, Karen.

  • God of Philosophy

    The God of Philosophy brings these to life by opening up the discussion of God to new readers and students of philosophy.

  • Greek Mythology: Myths and Legends of the Gods, Titans, Zeus, Olympians and More!

    This book helps you understand it all, from Titans like Cronus and Phoebe to Olympians like Zeus an Athena, to heroes like Jason and Atatlanta. All together, you'll learn the stories of over 30 characters of Greek mythology!

  • Plato: A Beginner's Guide

    Plato - A Beginner's Guide introduces you to the life and work of one of the founding fathers of philosophy, and best known of the thinkers of Ancient Greece.

  • Nietzsche: A Complete Introduction

    The book uses a structure that mirrors the way Nietzsche is studied on many university courses, with chapters looking at Nietzsche's life, The Birth of Tragedy, the revaluation of all values, the will to power, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, truth ...

  • Nietzsche Made Simple: Flash

    The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious.

  • Plato: A Complete Introduction

    This book examines the key ideas and explains them in a way that someone who is uninitiated into the world of Plato, or philosophy generally, can gain insights into his life, his legacy, what he had to say and why it is still relevant.

  • Muslim and Supermuslim: The Quest for the Perfect Being and Beyond

    El Hombre Doliente, Fundamentos Antropológicos de la Psicoterapia. Barcelona: Herder Editorial. Friedmann, Yohanon. 1971. Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi: An Outline of His Thought and a Study of His Image in the Eyes of Posterity.

  • Plato: A Complete Introduction

    The book uses a structure that mirrors the way Plato is taught on many university courses, with chapters including: the pre-socratics; Socrates; who was Plato?; can virtue be taught?; piety; the philosophical life; obeying the law of Athens ...

  • The God of Philosophy: An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion

    This new edition brings the debate right up to date by exploring the philosophical arguments of the new atheists such as Richard Dawkins, as well as considering what the latest discoveries in science can tell us about why many believe in ...

  • The God of Philosophy: An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion

    This new edition brings the debate right up to date by exploring the philosophical arguments of the new atheists such as Richard Dawkins, as well as considering what the latest discoveries in science can tell us about why many believe in ...

  • Understanding Philosophy for A2 Level AQA

    This textbook completely covers the AQA A2 Level specification.