Books written by King

  • Law Outlines: Negotiable instruments and payment systems--commercial law

    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW STONE , S. , S. & T. 17.00 CONTRACTS CALAMARI , PERILLO & BENDER 21.00 1101 . ... 13.00 BROWDER , C. , N. , S. & W. 18.50 CASNER & LEACH 19.00 CRIBBET , JOHNSON , FINLEY & SMITH 19.50 DONAHUE , KAUPER & MARTIN 16.00 ...

  • The Great Deception: The Calm Before the Storm

    The author of this hair-raising and shocking book reveals when Jesus Christ will return to this planet to rid it of Lucifer's evil bloodline that has been deceiving the general population on Earth since the creation of the first Adam and ...

  • First Peoples, First Contacts: Native Peoples of North America

    Most notorious was the expedition of the fur - trading family called Peyton in the spring of 1819. This was intended to recover stolen traps , to establish trading relations with the Beothuk and to attempt to bring an individual back to ...

  • Varney's Midwifery

    Valero J, Desantes D, Perales-Puchalt A, Rubio J, Diago Almela VJ, Perales A. Effect of delayed umbili- cal cord clamping on blood gas analysis. EurJ Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012;162(1):21-23. Ross Mg, gala R. Use of umbilical ...

  • Evael


  • Lythia


  • Azadmere


  • Kanday


  • Araka-kalai


  • 未来访谈录: 和当代最令人瞩目的人物谈明天

    本书是美国有线电视网“拉瑞·金时刻”节目主持人拉瑞·金与世界最有权威和最有影响的人物的关于未来政治、战争与和平、科学技术、教育、艺术、体育、媒体、工作等的访谈资 ...

  • 刑事诉讼法


  • 东方历险记

    本书讲述了:时值一战期间,英国成为巴勒斯坦的宗主国,但落败的前统治者土耳其却并不甘心,派出杀手对当地的统治者及英国派驻长官进行暗杀.最终,在两名英国政府间谍的帮助下 ...

  • 妙语12诀


  • 说话是金: 在恰当的时机对恰当的人说恰当的话


  • Hansen's Rock

    An amateur astronomer discovers a new object in the sky over the South Pole.

  • Housing policy transformed: The right to buy and the desire to own

    Unlike the many studies that have focused on the costs of the policy and sought to show its negative impact, this book seeks to understand the Right to Buy on its own terms.

  • Ebook: The Science of Psychology

    ... biological therapies or biomedical therapies Treatments that reduce or eliminate the symptoms of psychological ... that focuses on developing and integrating behavioral and biomedical knowledge to promote health and reduce illness; ...

  • Cases on Cross-Cultural Counseling Strategies

    Featuring a broad range of topics such as higher education, international counseling, and gender bias in counseling, this book is ideal for counselors, therapists, psychologists, counselor educators, graduate students, practitioners, ...

  • Economics: Canada in the Global Environment

    Economics: Canada in the Global Environment

  • Science Psychology Appreciative View 5e

    The Science of Psychology uses the most up-to-date thought and research to fully address the scientific focus of the AP Psychology Curriculum and provides students with the guidance and support they need to master the key topics and ...