Books written by Patricia A. Potter

  • Potter & Perry's Essentials of Nursing Practice, 1sae, E Book

    Appendix E. Training and educational materials: daily chlorhexidine bathing patient information. Rockville, MD: Agency for ... Pender N, et al: Health promotion in nursing practice, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2011, Pearson Education.

  • Essentials for Nursing Practice - Binder Ready

    Ahn H, et al: Bodily pain intensity in nursing home residents with pressure ulcers: analysis of National Minimum Data Set 3.0, ... NJ, 2013, Pearson Education, Inc. HITECH: Answers: Meaningful use, 2017. ...

  • Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book

    American Association of Colleges of Nursing: The essentials of baccaulaureate education for professional nursing ... Ahn H, et al.: Bodily pain intensity in nursing home residents with pressure ulcers: analysis of national Minimum Data ...

  • Mosby's Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures - E-Book

    Abbas S: The use of metal or plastic needles in continuous subcutaneous infusion in a hospice setting, Am J Hosp Palliat Care ... Autio L, Olson KK: The four S's of wound management: staples, sutures, SteriStrips, and sticky stuff, ...

  • Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book

    The public health nurse is working with the county health department on a task force to fully integrate the goals of Healthy People 2020. ... Olson KI, et al: Cornerstones of public health nursing, Public Health Nurs 28(3):249, 2011.

  • Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques - E-Book

    (3) Repeat this process one step at a time (moving crutches down if there are additional stairs), until patient reaches bottom of stairs. 14. Helping patient ambulate with walker: Patients who are able to bear partial weight use walkers ...

  • Skills Performance Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques - E-Book

    Had patient move walker comfortable distance forward. Patient then took step forward with weak/affected leg first and followed through with strong/unaffected leg into walker. Instructed patient not to advance leg ...

  • Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book

    In some settings a Kardex, a portable “flip-over” file or notebook, is kept at the nurses' station. ... age, religion) • Health care provider's name • Primary medical diagnosis • Medical and surgical history • Current orders from health ...

  • Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques - E-Book

    Key principles in determining the proper handling techniques to use for patients are knowing if a patient is weight bearing and the patient's weight and height, strength, and ability to cooperate and provide help (Nelson and Baptiste, ...

  • Mosby's Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures - E-Book

    The use of physical restraints is no longer a safe strategy, yet many nurses still believe that restraints are needed to control behavioral symptoms and prevent falls in older adults with dementia (Evans and Cotter, 2008).

  • Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques - E-Book

    Evans LK, Cotter VT: Avoiding restraints in patients with dementia: understanding, prevention, and management are keys, Am J Nurs 108(3):40, 2008. Futrell M, Melillo KD, Remington R: Wandering, Iowa City, Ia, 2008, University of Iowa ...

  • Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques8: Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques

    The use of physical restraints is no longer a safe strategy, yet many nurses still believe that they are needed to control behavioral symptoms Video Clip and prevent falls in older adults with dementia (Evans and Cotter, 2008).

  • Guía Mosby de habilidades y procedimientos en enfermería

    ... una estrategia segura, aunque muchas enfermeras consideran todavía que las restricciones son necesarias para controlar los síntomas comportamentales y prevenir las caídas en los ancianos con demencia (Evans y Cotter, 2008).

  • Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques E-Book

    Usher, R., Cronin, S. N., & York, N. L. (2018). Evaluating the influence of a standardized bedside handoff process in a medical–surgical unit. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 49(4), 157–163. doi:10.3928/00220124-2018032 0-05 ...

  • Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing

    Corresponding to the chapters in Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Edition, by Patricia Potter et al., this study guide helps you understand key concepts with review questions, exercises, and learning activities.

  • Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing E-Book

    Corresponding to the chapters in Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Edition, by Patricia Potter et al., this study guide helps you understand key concepts with review questions, exercises, and learning activities.

  • Virtual Clinical Excursions for Fundamentals of Nursing

    The workbook guides users through Pacific View Regional Hospital, a virtual hospital setting, where one can learn communication, documentation, assessment, and safe medication administration.

  • Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book: Just the Facts

    From definitions and abbreviations to dosage calculations and lab values, this pocket guide presents the most up-to-date guidelines and clinical information in an easy-to-use, quick-reference format!

  • Basic Nursing Multimedia Enhanced Version

    Online videos support the book's easy-to-read, visual approach, making it easier to understand fundamental nursing - from principles and concepts to nursing skills and care plans.

  • Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing - E-Book

    Detailed information on medications helps to prevent medication errors and ensure safe practice, with topics including dosage calculations, compatibilities, conversions, and administration.