Books written by Conor M. Dowling

  • Unhealthy Politics: The Battle Over Evidence-Based Medicine

    Katz, Jeffrey N., Robert H. Brophy, Christine E. Chaisson, Leigh de Chaves, Brian J. Cole, Diane L. Dahm, Laurel A. Donnell-Fink, et al. 2013. “Surgery versus Physical Therapy for a Meniscal Tear and Osteoarthritis.

  • Unhealthy Politics: The Battle over Evidence-Based Medicine

    Pearson and Bach propose a new Medicare payment model in which CMS would pay more for services demonstrated by research to provide superior clinical benefits compared to alternatives. New services without such evidence would be ...

  • Unhealthy Politics: The Battle over Evidence-Based Medicine

    Jacobs, Lawrence, and Theda Skocpol. 2010. Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University Press. Jacobs, Lawrence R. 1993. The Health of Nations: Public Opinion and the Making of ...

  • Super PAC!: Money, Elections, and Voters after Citizens United

    Equally salient to the Citizens United case was McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (540 U.S. 93), which had posed several direct challenges to the constitutionality of the BCRA in 2003, shortly after its passage.

  • Small Power: How Local Parties Shape Elections

    He was wanting to work with both parties and I get it , personally . He had ... a little elephant that was red and he had a big elephant that was red and blue . Then he had a smaller elephant that was blue . That's not going to work . a ...

  • Super PAC!: Money, Elections, and Voters after Citizens United

    ... American. Politics. and. Governance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 9 15 Perspectives on Presidential 16 Super PAC ... Inventive Politicians and Ethnic Ascent in American Politics The Uphill Elections of Italians and Mexicans to the U.S. ...