Books written by Pat Schneider

  • Writing Alone and with Others

    Give yourself permission to be as brief and clean and clear as Williams in “The Red Wheelbarrow,” or as brutally honest as Olds in “The Takers,” as unpretentious as Stafford in “Witness,” as jazzy as Jordan in “Alla Tha's All Right, ...

  • How the Light Gets In: Writing as a Spiritual Practice

    Her belief that writing about one's own life leads to greater consciousness, satisfaction, and wisdom energizes the book and carries the reader elegantly through difficult topics.

  • Writing Alone and with Others

    Abandonment: need for in writing, 5, 11, 16, 17, 59, 195, 234; writing about, 64 Adams, Paula Sheller, xv, “Armistice,” 301 Adams, Sue Ann: “Kaleidoscope Vision,” 264 Affirmations, five essential, ix–x, 186 Allison, Dorothy, ...

  • The Writer As An Artist: Writing Alone and with Others

    For anyone who feels compelled to write, this writing tool is as important as pen and paper.

  • Writing Alone and with Others

    When I am responding to a manuscript I like to remind the author (and myself) that I am a person with a particular “skin” on: age, life experience, taste. ... We do not ever read an entire prose manuscript out loud in workshop.

  • In Our Own Voices: Writings

    In Our Own Voices: Writings