Books written by Catherine Barnard

  • Deakin and Morris’ Labour Law

    Hervey, Tamara (1997) Francovich Liability Simplified Industrial Law Journal 26, 74–79. Hervey, Tamara (1998) European Social Law and Policy (Longmans, London). Hervey, Tamara and Jeff Kenner (eds) (2003) Economic and Social Rights ...

  • The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms

    T. Hervey and J. McHale, Health Law and the European Union (Cambridge: CUP, 2004). T. Hervey and L. Trubek, 'Freedom to provide healthcare services in the EU: An opportunity for “hybrid governance”' (2007) 13 Columbia Journal of ...

  • EU Employment Law

    As Hervey points out, this model is based on notions of solidarity, a position which views social welfare as a collective activity rather than the responsibility of individuals, and social citizenship, the normative claim that ...

  • EC Employment Law

    236 Hervey, European Social Law and Policy (Longman, Harlow, 1998) 176–7. 237 Ross, 'Assessing the Delors Era and Social Policy' in Leibfried and Pierson (eds), European Social Policy: Between Fragmentation and Integration (Brookings ...

  • European Union Law

    Hervey. 1 Introduction 643 644 2 Patient mobility 3 Health care professionals 4 Health care institutions 653 656 661 5 Medical devices and pharmaceuticals 6 Blood, organs, and human tissue 7 Public health 664 666 8 Global contexts 668 9 ...

  • What About Law?: Studying Law at University

    As Mann LJ put it: There can be instances where the cost of rectifying a failed project is not reasonable, as, for example, where no personal preference is served or where there is no preference and the value of the estate is ...

  • Deakin and Morris’ Labour Law

    ... that this concept will be applied flexibly following the pre-EqA 2010 case law of English v Thomas Sanderson Blinds Ltd,257 in which the complainant was subjected to a course of harassment by fellow workers as if he had been gay.

  • Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law

    Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law

  • Brexit and Financial Services: Law and Policy

    Law and Policy Kern Alexander, Catherine Barnard, Eilís Ferran, Andrew Lang, Niamh Moloney. and that a 'new equilibrium' may be beneficial for euro-area entities.124 As discussed across this book, regulatory solutions are available that ...

  • What About Law?: Studying Law at University

    Many of the issues sketched above reached a climax of sorts in the Supreme Court's judgment in the Miller II case. Like its predecessor, Miller I, the Miller II case was brought by business owner Gina Miller. (A parallel case, Cherry, ...

  • Brexit and Financial Services: Law and Policy

    58See Zeitlin, Extending Experimentalist Governance?, n 18 and C Sabel and J Zeitlin (eds), Experimentalist Governance in the European Union. Towards a New Architecture (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010).

  • EU Employment Law

    The new edition of this major work is a must-buy for all students studying EU employment law.

  • European Union Law

    Under the experienced editorship of Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers, the text draws together a range of perspectives on EU law designed to introduce students to the key debates and case law which shape this vast subject.

  • European Union Law

    Under the experienced editorship of Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers, the text draws together a range of perspectives on EU law designed to introduce students to the key debates and case law which shape this vast subject.

  • Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Vol 9, 2006-2007

    As summarised by AG Jacobs, the argument of Austria was that the central aim of its education policy 'is to grant unrestricted access to all levels of studies. That policy choice is meant to improve the percentage of Austrian citizens ...

  • EU Employment Law

    The new edition of this major work is a must-buy for all students studying EU employment law.

  • What about Law?: Studying Law at University

    This book comes to the rescue by clearly setting out what a prospective law student can expect and why a student should choose to study law.

  • Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Vol 13, 2010-2011

    another involved the exercise of the right of establishment, which EU law should make possible in practice. ... 102Pursuant to Art 1(1) of the directive, there can be a merger by acquisition, by creation of new company or by transfer of ...

  • A Constitutional Order of States?: Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood

    substantive EU law link between national law and a general principle, as well as how the ECJ defines the interaction between ... General Principles of EC Law in a Process of Development, European Monograph 62 (The Hague, Kluwer, 2008).

  • Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Vol 15 2012-2013

    In fact, it has been described as the most important general principle of EU (then Community) law, 'because it is the legal ... General Principles of EC Law in a Process of Development (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2008) 77.