Books written by Brenda James

  • From Slut Puppies to Whore Dogs: One Woman's View of Texas Men

    The ideal man for this ol’ country gal: Someone who can gracefully lie to me' a guitar player/song writer/story teller, a man who can use me for his own fun but never ever in a mean spirited way, a cigar smokin', gamblin' cowboy, ...

  • The Truth Will Out: Unmasking the Real Shakespeare

    With insightful explanations of never-before-studied documents, James and Rubinstein demonstrate that not only did the refined and worldly Neville know the landscape of Shakespeare's plays firsthand but that these works represent a total ...

  • The Truth Will Out: Unmasking the Real Shakespeare

    Some of his stuff is to be sold; part had been sent to England with Hammon; the rest Winwood may have. The provisions of spice, sugar, grocery ware, wine lights, and such like may be sold, 'and so the house discharged and my people with ...

  • Henry Neville and the Shakespeare Code

    Sir Henry Neville - the true author of Shakespeare's works - the discovery that created a sensation in the literary world. Shakespeare historian, Brenda James, always felt that the dedication...

  • Understanding the Invisible Shakespeare

    As part of a routine research project, Brenda James applied a 16th century code-breaking technique to a small passage of Shakespeare's writing.