Books written by William H. Beezley

  • Judas at the Jockey Club and Other Episodes of Porfirian Mexico

    This second edition features a new preface by the author as well as updated and expanded text, notes, and bibliography.

  • Mexicans in Revolution, 1910-1946: An Introduction

    Journalist James Creelman's interview of Díaz for Pearson's Magazine in 1908 added even more uncertainty. In the course of the interview, the president indicated that he encouraged the formation of political parties, because he did not ...

  • Mexico in World History

    This was paired with political and economic reorganization handled by the all-powerful inspector general, José de Gálvez, who attempted to streamline colonial administration and economy as he liberalized trade and introduced enlightened ...

  • Judas at the Jockey Club and Other Episodes of Porfirian Mexico

    “On Bullfights and Baseball: An Example of Interaction of Social Institutions.” In Sport in the Sociocultural Process, edited by Marie Hart and Susan Birrell. 3rd ed. Dubuque, Iowa; Wm. C. Brown Company, 1981. W. G. Walz Music Store, ...

  • Genocide, Collective Violence, and Popular Memory: The Politics of Remembrance in the Twentieth Century

    The Politics of Remembrance in the Twentieth Century David E. Lorey, William H. Beezley. bajo Pinochet (Santiago, 1998); P. Aylwin Azocar, El reencuentro de los demo'cratas (Santiago, 1998); E. Subercaseaux, Gabriel Valde's: sefiales de ...

  • Home Altars of Mexico

    The essays provide the cultural and historic background to the practice of constructing domestic altars, linking the ancient traditions with modern customs.

  • Latin America 2020-2022

    Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1999. McCreery, David. Rural Guatemala, 1760– 1940. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994. Nelson, Diane M. A Finger in the Wound: Body Politics in Quincentennial Guatemala.

  • Mexico: The Essentials

    Featuring a topical organization, the book offers readers easy access to these major themes - the "essentials" - that shape the nation and society: physicaland living diversity, politics, family, economy, religion, Mexico City, popular arts ...

  • Latin American Cultural Objects and Episodes

    “South American Headwear,” in Margot Blum Shevill, ed., Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: Latin America and ... Davis, Darién J. “Racial Parity and National Humor: Exploring Brazilian Samba from Noel Rosa to Carmen Miranda, ...

  • Judas at the Jockey Club and Other Episodes of Porfirian Mexico

    ... 40-41 Music, 65-66 Museo Nacional de Artes e Industiras Populares, 118-19 Nacional, El, 56 Nicolet, A. J., 43-44 Nicolm, Manuel, 29 Nieto, Angel J., M.D., 50 Nogales, Sonora, 22 Novak, Michael, xiv Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 73 Oaxaca, ...

  • Latin American Cultural Objects and Episodes

    Davis, Darién J. “Racial Parity and National Humor: Exploring Brazilian Samba from Noel Rosa to Carmen Miranda, 1930–1939,” in William H. Beezley and Linda A. Curcio‐Nagy, eds., Latin American Popular Culture: An Introduction ...

  • Mexican National Identity: Memory, Innuendo, and Popular Culture

    ... Amanda López, and Elena J. Albarrán, have commented on this manuscript at varying stages of its development. ... Carmen Nava Nava provided companionship in many archives and acted as a most reliable source of information on popular ...

  • The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mexican History and Culture

    Unique to this volume are the essays on digital sources, such as digitized archives and photographic collections, with information on accessing and using them for historical research.

  • A Companion to Mexican History and Culture

    A Companion to Mexican History and Culture features 40 essays contributed by international scholars that incorporate ethnic, gender, environmental, and cultural studies to reveal a richer portrait of the Mexican...

  • Cultural Nationalism and Ethnic Music in Latin America

    The essays collected here offer a useful introduction to the twin themes of music and national identity and melodies and ethnic identification.

  • Viva Mexico! Viva la Independencia!: Celebrations of September 16

    Describes how the celebraton of Independence Day in Mexico has impacted the country's life and culture.

  • Mexico's Crucial Century, 1810-1910: An Introduction

    This accessible account guides the reader through a pivotal time in Mexican history, including such critical episodes as the reign of Santa Anna, the U.S.-Mexican War, and the Porfiriato.

  • Mexican National Identity: Memory, Innuendo, and Popular Culture

    In this enlightening book, the well-known historian William Beezley contends that a Mexican national identity was forged during the nineteenth century not by a self-anointed elite but rather by a disparate mix of ordinary people and ...

  • Mexicans in Revolution, 1910-1946: An Introduction

    Recounts the events surrounding the Mexican Revolution, covering key moments, conflicts, and developments from 1910 to 1920 and explaining how Mexicans fought for social and economic justice while shaping modern Mexico.

  • Twentieth-century Mexico

    Like its predecessor, Mexico: From Independence to Revolution (UNP, 1982), this book includes suggestions for further reading and an index.