Books written by William T. Cavanaugh

  • Torture and Eucharist: Theology, Politics, and the Body of Christ

    The book as a whole ties eucharistic theology to concreteeucharistic practice, showing that the Eucharist is not a "symbol"but a real cathartic summary of the practices by which God formspeople into the Body of Christ, producing a sense of ...

  • Migrations of the Holy: God, State, and the Political Meaning of the Church

    In Migrations of the Holy he examines the disconcerting modern transfer of sacred devotion from the church to the nation-state.

  • Theopolitical Imagination: Christian Practices of Space and Time

    11 Richard McBrien , Caesar's Coin ( New York : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1987 ) , p . 42 . Neuhaus , p . 27. Public theologian Richard McBrien similarly defines religion as ' the whole complexus of attitudes , convictions ...

  • Field Hospital: The Church's Engagement with a Wounded World

    According to Richard McBrien's entry on “sectarianism” in the HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, the sectarian spirit is a desire to be separated from the larger Christian community by appealing to individualistic aspects of ...

  • Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire

    As Michael Novak says, democratic capitalism — of which a free market is a crucial component — is built on the explicit denial of any unitary order. There is no common telos or “sacred canopy” above the diversity of desires, ...

  • The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    These essays: explore the political aspects of Christian sources such as scripture and liturgy consider the interface of theology with political ideologies, including the contribution of theology to feminist, ecological, black, and pacifist ...

  • Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    Offers a comprehensive survey and interpretation of contemporary Christian political theology in a newly revised and expanded edition This book presents the latest thinking on the topic of contemporary Christian political theology, with ...

  • Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    Offers a comprehensive survey and interpretation of contemporary Christian political theology in a newly revised and expanded edition This book presents the latest thinking on the topic of contemporary Christian political theology, with ...

  • The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    These essays: explore the political aspects of Christian sources such as scripture and liturgy consider the interface of theology with political ideologies, including the contribution of theology to feminist, ecological, black, and pacifist ...

  • The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    These essays: explore the political aspects of Christian sources such as scripture and liturgy consider the interface of theology with political ideologies, including the contribution of theology to feminist, ecological, black, and pacifist ...

  • The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    Introduction to the Second Edition / William T Cavanaugh, Peter Manley Scott -- Historical Resources.

  • Gathered in my Name: Ecumenism in the World Church

    This volume differs from many quincentennial discussions of the Protestant Reformation--and ecumenical scholarship more generally--in that it shifts the focus from Europe and the West to the global South, where ecumenism's promises and ...

  • Evolution and the Fall

    Moreover, the posthuman myth is a salvific myth, for humans must be saved from their finitude and mortality. ... As quoted in Christina Bieber Lake, Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology, and the Ethics of ...

  • An Eerdmans Reader in Contemporary Political Theolog

    Given that the locus of Christianity is undeniably shifting to the global South, this volume uniquely integrates key voices from Africa, Asia, and Latin America with central texts from Europe and North America on such major subjects as ...

  • Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire

    Examining pathologies of desire in contemporary "free market" economies, Being Consumed puts forth a positive and inspiring vision of how the body of Christ can engage in economic alternatives.

  • Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

    Offers a comprehensive survey and interpretation of contemporary Christian political theology in a newly revised and expanded edition This book presents the latest thinking on the topic of contemporary Christian political theology, with ...

  • Fragile World: Ecology and the Church

    ... ( international name : Washi ) on December 16 , 2011 , violently claimed at least 1,268 lives in Mindanao - Visayas ... mediation of ecological sciences before proceeding to the theological interpretation in The other cause of people's ...

  • Gathered in my Name: Ecumenism in the World Church

    This volume differs from many quincentennial discussions of the Protestant Reformation—and ecumenical scholarship more generally—in that it shifts the focus from Europe and the West to the global South, where ecumenism’s promises and ...

  • Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary

    This volume is the first truly global commentary on a papal encyclical.

  • Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary

    ... Fratelli Tutti . ” Union of Catholic Asian News , November 10 , 2020. dissects - popes - fratelli- tutti / 90217 # . Catholic News Service . " Philippine Cardinal - Designate Says ...