Books written by William A. Haviland

  • Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge

    With this text, you will discover the different ways humans face the challenge of existence, the connection between biology and culture in the shaping of human beliefs and behavior, and the impact of globalization on peoples and cultures ...

  • Canoe Indians of Down East Maine

    On Deer Isle, Lawrence Mitchell and his family came every summer from Indian Island to Sunset, from at least 1927 into the 1950s. From a canvas tent by the road known as the “Indian camp” and, in later years, by going doortodoor, ...

  • Evolution and Prehistory: The Human Challenge

    In such a way did those features characteristic of domestic sheep - such as greater fat and meat production , excess wool ( Figure 11.2 ) , and so on — begin to develop . By 9,000 years ago , the bones of domestic sheep had become ...

  • Anthropology: The Human Challenge

    As they perfect these and related skills, they may combine the role of a diviner and a healer, becoming a shaman. Originally, the Tungus word shaman referred to a medical-religious specialist, or spiritual guide, among the Tungus people ...

  • The Original Vermonters: Native Inhabitants, Past and Present

    Theoretically then , it was possible for anyone's vital self to be lured away from the body , resulting in sickness and eventual death . These characteristics of the self stand out most clearly in the case of shamans , usually men ...

  • The Essence of Anthropology

    Shamans. Societies without full-time religious professionals have existed far longer than those that have them. ... As they perfect these and related skills, they may combine the role of a diviner and a healer, becoming a shaman.

  • Cultural Anthropology

    Shaman . A part - time religious specialist whose special power to contact and manipulate supernatural beings and forces in an altered state of consciousness comes to him or her through some personal experience . ually cures everyone ...

  • Telecourse Study Guide for Haviland/Prins/Walrath/McBride's Anthropology: The Human Challenge, 14th

    A shaman is an informal, part-time, unpaid spiritual guide who enters an altered state to contact and manipulate supernatural beings to acquire knowledge and power and to help others. Altered states of consciousness are central to ...

  • Anthropology

    Such faith healers in the United States and elsewhere correspond in every respect to our definition of the shaman ; hence , shamanism is by no means absent in modern industrial societies . and 25. ) The shaman tries to impose his or.

  • Cultural Anthropology

    Cultural Anthropology

  • The Faces of Culture

    A undergoes formal initiation into a religious role and holds a socially recognized office . a . witch b . shaman c . priest or priestess d . sorcerer and performs his services 9. The shaman gains his powers through on behalf of a ...

  • Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge

    This edition is a truly exciting and unique examination into the field of cultural anthropology, its insights, its relevance, and the continuing role of cultural survival issues.

  • Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge

    Berna, F., Goldberg, P., Horwitz, L. K, Brink, J., Holt, S., Bamford, M., & Chazan, M. (2012). Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the ... Cartmill, E. A., & Byrne, R. W. (2010). Semantics of primate gestures: Intentional ...

  • Anthropology: The Human Challenge

    Blumer, M. A., 81 Byrne, R. (1991). The ecological genetics and domestication and the origins of agriculture. Current Anthropology 32, 30. Boas, F. (1909, May 28). Race problems in America.

  • The Faces of Culture

    The hunter waits at a breathing hole and harpoons the seal as it comes to the surface to breathe . Because seals roam over a wide area , they use a number of breathing holes . A single Netsilik , hunting for his own family , could not ...

  • Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal--Nonelite Groups Without Shrines: Tikal Report 20A

    About 0.80 m to the S are grooves that outline another rectangular block. Another 0.60 m S of this is a quarry 0.30 m deep, from which masonry blocks had actually been removed. A small groove in one side suggests removal of blocks ...

  • Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal--Group 7F-1: Tikal Report 22

    Roof collapse on the E end platform of Rm. 1 showed an intact vault spring of 0.10 m. Construction Stage 1 saw completion of 29-1st-B. ... The purpose of the block is unknown; perhaps the whole E end of the interior platform was raised.

  • Human Evolution and Prehistory

    ... Jerold, 72 Lower Paleolithic tools, 188-199 "Lucy," 157, 158, 161-162 Lyell, Charles, 70 Lyon, Patricia, 343 Macaques, 106, 114 MacDonald, George, 277 Mahale Chimpanzee Research, 120, 122 Malaria development of sickle-cell anemia, ...

  • Floating Palaces: America's Queens of the Sea : Maine Island Mariners and the Big Steam Yachts

    This is the story of families who settled on an island on the coast of Maine, intending to support themselves by farming.

  • Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal--Nonelite Groups Without Shrines: Tikal Report 20B

    Goodenough, William H. 1963 Review of Matrilinear Kinship, edited by D. W. Schneider and K. Gough. American Anthropologist 65:923–928. Gough, Kathleen 1961 Descent-group Variation Among Settled Cultivators.