Books written by Roland Mushat Frye

  • The Renaissance Hamlet: Issues and Responses in 1600

    Levang, Lewis D., “'Ripeness is all': A Semantic Approach to a Lear Question,” Etc.: A Review of General Semantics, vol. 27 (1970), pp. 91-98. Levin, Harry, The Question of Hamlet, New York, 1959. Levin, William R., Images of Love and ...

  • Shakespeare: The art of the dramatist

    C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature, 1964. C. S. Lewis, English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, 1954. Thomas M. Parrott and Robert H. Ball, A Short View of Elizabethan Drama, ...

  • Shakespeare: The art of the dramatist

    Fredson Bowers, On Editing Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Dramatists, 1955, is a useful analysis of the problems of establishing a text. 3. Theater and Theatricality W. W. Greg has edited a number of important primary materials on the ...

  • Is God a Creationist?: The Religious Case Against Creation-science

    Is God a Creationist?: The Religious Case Against Creation-science

  • Shakespeare and Christian Doctrine

    Quinlan, Maurice J. “Shakespeare and the Catholic Burial Services,” Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. ... The Religion of Shakespeare, London: Watts and Co., 1924. ... Shakespeare's Religious Frontier, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1958.