Books written by Sally Sheldon

  • Fragmenting Fatherhood: A Socio-Legal Study

    RIBBENS, J, Mothers and their Children: A Feminist Sociology of Childrearing (Sage, London, 1994). RICHARDS, M, 'Fatherhood, Marriage ... RYAN, M, Working with Fathers (Radcliffe Medical Press, Abingdon, 2000). SACHS, A and WILSON, JH, ...

  • Fathers' Rights Activism and Law Reform in Comparative Perspective

    Child Custody Reform and the Perils of Maximum Contact' (2001) 19 Canadian Family Law Quarterly 121. ... Law and Family Policy' in A MORRIS and T O'DONNELL (eds), Feminist Perspectives on Employment Law (London, Cavendish, 1999).

  • Beyond Control: Medical Power and Abortion Law

    Who really controls access to abortion services in Britain, supposedly one of the most liberal western countries on this issue? Recognizing that abortion has slipped off the mainstream political (and...

  • Fragmenting Fatherhood: A Socio-Legal Study

    Debates about the future of fatherhood have been central to a range of conversations about changing family forms, parenting and society. Law has served an important, yet often neglected, role...

  • The Abortion Act 1967

    ... Shame? Abortion in Modern Britain' in Anne-Marie Kilday and David Nash (eds), Shame and Modernity in Britain: 1890 to the Present (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 115–67. Kind to Women, 'How the 1967 Abortion Act Changes Our ...

  • The Abortion Act 1967: A Biography of a UK Law

    A Biography of a UK Law Sally Sheldon, Gayle Davis, Jane O'Neill, Clare Parker. Seppänen: Ideological Conflict and the Rule of Law in Contemporary China: Useful Paradoxes Siems: Comparative Law, 3rd Edition Stapleton: Product Liability ...