Books written by R.T. Naylor

  • History of Canadian Business

    Carleton Library Series The Carleton Library Series, funded by Carleton University under the general editorship of the dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, publishes books about Canadian economics, geography, history, ...

  • Counterfeit Crime: Criminal Profits, Terror Dollars, and Nonsense

    65 There is a good critique by Dean Baker : “The US-EU Free Trade Pact and TPP Are about Securing Regulatory Gains for Major Corporate Interests,” Aljazeera, 29 April 2013. 66

  • Hot Money and the Politics of Debt

    ... named Juan Peron chased him out on the grounds that he was too chummy with the international financiers.69 Yet he gained much of his subsequent reputation as dean of Third World development economists from public IMF - bashing .

  • Satanic Purses: Money, Myth, and Misinformation in the War on Terror

    dean of Europe's anti-terrorism judges. In sharp contrast to the US party line, he stressed that groups “micro-finance” rather than act from some central treasury. 10 See especially Malise Ruthven in Fundamentalism: The Search for ...

  • Canada in the European Age, 1453-1919

    Jobb , Dean . " The Politics of the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Railway , 1872-1886 , ” Ac 13 : 2 , Spring 1984 . Langhout , R. “ Developing Nova Scotia : Railways and Public Accounts , 1848-1867 , " Ac 14 : 2 , Spring 1985 .

  • Canada in the European Age, 1453-1919

    The whole time that the London-Montréal-Winnipeg axis of development had been in the making, so too was a subsidiary one. The axis of manufacturing growth had followed the main contours of American industrialization, concentrating on ...