Illustrated Grimm's Fairy Tales
A picture book that provides hours of puzzle-solving fun, and also helps develop pre-reading and number skills.
The text and illustrations are intended to help children develop skills in reading, counting, matching and identification.
Crammed with thousands of things to find, count and talk about, this picture book provides hours of puzzle-solving fun, and also helps develop pre-reading and number skills.
This classic collection of Hans Christian Andersen's tales includes his best-loved characters: Thumbelina, the Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, the Snow Queen, and many more.
Hans Christian Andersen's illustrated fairy tales for children
Illustrated Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
Lleno de animales para encontrar, contar y discutir, este libro ayuda desarrollar habilidades con palabras básicas y números.
Le fiabe dei fratelli Grimm. Ediz. a colori
Hervertellingen van twaalf bekende sprookjes van Andersen, waaronder De prinses op de erwt, De Chinese nachtegaal, Het lelijke eendje. Voorlezen vanaf ca. 5 jaar, zelf lezen vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Platenboek met gekleurde tekeningen van dieren en van scènes in de stad, op de boerderij en in het verleden. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Zoekplatenboek met paginagrote kleurenillustraties van dieren en van scènes in de stad, op de boerderij en in het verleden, met vele zoek- en telopdrachten. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
This illustrated volume contains fifteen tales collected by the brothers Grimm, and adapted for young readers.
Grimms illustrerede eventyr
"Un album qui réunit une quinzaine de contes, parmi les plus connus des frères Grimm. On y trouvera notamment, des châteaux enchantés, des forêts sombres, des fées, lutins et autres personnages plus ou moins inquiétants."--SDM.
Velká kniha pohádek
Le fiabe di Hans Christian Andersen. Ediz. a colori
Synopsis coming soon.......
Features line drawings of beautiful clothes and costumes to fill with colour, along with lovely watercolour examples to follow.
There is advice on how to use a variety of materials, special effects and professional techniques to produce imaginative pictures. The volume includes links to Web sites for further tips and ideas and pictures to download.