Books written by Alexandra Siy

  • Sports Shorts

    This anthology of short, autobiographical stories has kids' book authors telling tales of their own real-life athletic incidents.

  • Footprints on the Moon

    With a compelling and thoroughly researched text, the great vision of the scientists, engineers, and astronauts who struggled to make the dream a reality is brought into sharp focus. The book brings to light great triumphs and tragedies.

  • Voyager's Greatest Hits: The Epic Trek to Interstellar Space

    Learn the fascinating story of the scientists, how the Voyager probes work, where the probes have been and what they’ve seen, and what they carry on board—including the Golden Record, a recording of sounds and images about life on Earth ...

  • Up Close With Bugs

    Antenna (plural: antennae): Feelerlike, segmented, flexible sense organ found in pairs on the head of an insect above its mouthparts or ... This popular sitesponsored by the Arizona State University holds an Ugly Bug Contestevery year.

  • Cars on Mars: Roving the Red Planet

    To look at all the photographs taken by Spirit and Opportunity, go to: Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Multimedia: All Raw Images at • Humans have been exploring Mars since 1960.

  • Up Close With Spiders

    Debunking myths about spiders, this book takes an extremely close look at creatures that both fascinate and terrify humans.

  • Cars on Mars: Roving the Red Planet

    In CARS ON MARS readers can follow the course of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission as twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity explore the Red Planet.

  • Sports Shorts

    Summary: A collection of eight semi-autobiographical stories about the authors' experiences with sports while growing up. They range from the game “Bombardment” over the lunch hour, sports from gym class, karate, ballet, and wrestling, ...

  • Voyager's Greatest Hits: 8 Tracks for the Epic Trek to Interstellar Space

    And the Voyagers danced around them all, taking pictures, collecting data, and transforming how humans see and understand the solar system. For the next three years, Voyager 2 cruised onward, eager to meet its last partner of the night, ...

  • Cars on Mars: Roving the Red Planet

    Follow the course of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers Mission. Learn how scientists determined that there was once water on Mars and how they resolved problems with the rovers in order to prolong the mission.

  • Footprints on the Moon

    This drawing of a futuristic Moon camp includes inflatable living spaces, radio antennae, a telescope, storage tanks, and all-terrain vehicles. Sending people back to the Moon would be very costly. If cheaper rocket-launching systems ...

  • Footprints on the Moon

    With a compelling and thoroughly researched text, the great vision of the scientists, engineers, and astronauts who struggled to make the dream a reality is brought into sharp focus. The book brings to light great triumphs and tragedies.

  • Footprints on the Moon

    For use in schools and libraries only. Stunning photographs (many from NASA) bring to life all the drama, excitement, and adventure of our quest to know our bright neighbor in the sky.

  • Mosquito Bite

    A game of hide-and-seek forms the backdrop of a mosquito's life cycle. Micrographs show details of the mosquito and what she sees as she searches.

  • Sneeze!

    Explains the causes of sneezing.

  • Mosquito Bite

    Zoom in for a close-up view: A blade of grass looks like a menacing field of spines. A mosquito's eye becomes a bundle of tightly packed tubes. Discover the life story of a mosquito from a truly larger-than-life point of view.

  • Sneeze!

    Explains the causes of sneezing.