Books written by Marcelo Dascal

  • Science Communication

    The volume gives a multi-perspective overview of scholarly and science communication, exploring its diverse functions, modalities, interactional structures, and dynamics in a rapidly changing world.

  • Negotiation and Power in Dialogic Interaction

    The papers collected in this volume deal with both versions of the concept of negotiation.

  • Controversies Within the Scientific Revolution

    “Du Clos, un chimiste post-sceptical chemist. In C. Ramond and M. Dennehy” (eds). La Philosophie Naturelle de Robert Boyle. Paris: Vrin, 361–378. Gabbey, A. 1985. “The mechanical philosophy and its problems: Mechanical explanations, ...

  • Science Communication

    3.2.1 What is a Science Slam? A Science Slam is a competition in which (mostly early career) researchers present their own work – but are given only ten minutes to do so. The presentations are meant for a general public and conducted in ...

  • Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Approach

    1966 Communication and argument: Elements of applied semantics. London and Oslo: Allen and Unwin and Universitetsforlaget. ... 1975 Kommunikation und Argumentation: Eine Einführung in die angewandte Semantik. Kronberg: Scriptor.

  • Philosophical Analysis in Latin America

    The role of positivism in Brazil is described by João Cruz Costa in his Contribuição a História das Idéias no Brasil (São Paulo; 1960; published in English as A History—of Ideas—in Brazil: The Development of Philosophy in Brazil—and the ...

  • The Practice of Reason: Leibniz and his Controversies

    For a more complete survey on both vis centrifuga and isochronism of the simple pendu— lum, see Yoder (1988) and Chareix ... qui donne sans aucun calcul, tout a la fois, toutes les racines d'une equation proposée de quelque degré donné ...

  • A crua palavra. Conversation with Marcelo Dascal. [Chinese Edition]

    ... 革命者和古巴游击队领导人,也是游击战争的理论家和谋划家。他参与了卡斯特罗领导的古巴革命,推翻亲美的巴蒂斯塔独裁政权。代表作品有《古巴革命战争回忆录》(1963)、《游击战》(1965)等,曾入选《时代周刊》20世纪100位影响力人物。——译注 2 菲德尔•卡斯特 ...

  • Negotiation and Power in Dialogic Interaction

    These papers deal with the concept of negotiation.

  • Controversies Within the Scientific Revolution

    The essays collected in this book examine the rich texture of debates that comprised the Scientific Revolution from which the modern conception of science emerged.

  • Dialogue: An interdisciplinary approach

    Dialogue: An interdisciplinary approach is a pioneering collection of papers that take Dialogue Studies out of its ‘classic’ narrow definition into the study of the complexities and processes in dialogue.

  • Traditions of Controversy

    Yet, there is hardly any culture where they do not exist. This book assumes that the practice of controversy, along with its theorization, constitutes _ in each of the cultures and disciplines where it develops _ a tradition.