Books written by Zen Garcia

  • The Flat Earth as Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch

    Shortly after accepting the flat earth as a model for the world, I decided to revisit the Book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries to see if my new understanding would somehow mirror what Enoch was sharing as a motion for the sun and ...

  • Hijos de Dios

    En éste capítulo, trataré de dilucidar las Tres Edades del mundo y su asociación, con este pasaje críptico. ... como la creación de Adán de la Luz, revelada en el primer día, un Adán dotado de alma revelado en el sexto día y una carne ...

  • The Great Contest II: Enmity Between the Seed-lines

    In the Forgotten Books of Eden, when Adam and Eve are banished from Paradise and cast down to the Earth, YHVH made a covenant with them that should they refrain from evil and not transgress new Covenant, He would after 5500 years redeem ...

  • Lucifer - Father of Cain

    The esoteric knowledge presented here, represents what are in my belief, some of the most carefully guarded, heavily veiled, and least understood secrets of biblical wisdom traditions.

  • The Flat Earth as Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch

    Shortly after accepting the flat earth as a model for the world, I decided to revisit the Book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries to see if my new understanding would somehow mirror what Enoch was sharing as the motion of the sun and ...

  • Lucifer - Father of Cain

    This book utilizes myriad extra-biblical scripture from hundreds of sources including the Nag Hammadi codices, Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha, Psuedipigrapha, Forgotten Books of Eden, and the Kolbrin Bible to prove that Cain was a child of ...

  • Collected Works of Enoch the Prophet

    weapons of death to the sons of men] the shield and the coat of mail, and the sword for battle, ... And the fifth was named Kasdeja: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, ...

  • Awaken to the New World Order

    This book captures the inception of the 9/11 truth movement and political tenure of one of the most critical periods of United States History, sharing the attempt of two men to wake others to the elitist agenda of governments sponsoring ...

  • Firmament: Vaulted Dome of the Earth

    This book is the end result of that search and compilation of all of those source references.

  • The Great Contest: War In Heaven

    The first book of the Great Contest trilogy. This text expounds upon the war in heaven and what led to the schism between the Angels of light and darkness.

  • Sons Of God

    In Sons of God, Garcia seeks to help readers recognize the realities of our ancient past so that, in remembering the story, they can realize who they are and why they are they here.

  • The Aramaic and Palestinian Targums

    The Aramaic and Palestinian versions printed here are acknowledged to be the oldest and most widely used renderings of the ancient language translations of the original Hebrew Torah.

  • Skyfall: Angels of Destiny

    I believe that the world is being forced into a place where all must reassess all they thought they knew and understood about life and why we are here.

  • Paradise: Sides Of The North And The Mount Of Congregation

    In June 2015, the Most High allowed me to decrypt chapters 70-82 of the Book of Enoch's courses of the heavenly luminaries. This text has for 500 years been lost to modern translation because of the Copernican heliocentric worldview.

  • Globe Vs. Flat Earth Debate

    I believe the most important realization to grasp when examining the question of whether we live in a Helio or geocentric world biblically, is to recognize that the Scriptures affirm undeniably that the earth is immobile, fixed, stationary, ...