Books written by Joseph Harriss

  • Jean Gabin

    Jean Gabin was more than just a star of iconic movies still screened in film festivals around the world.

  • Jean Gabin: The Actor Who Was France

    Jean Gabin was more than just a star of iconic movies still screened in film festivals around the world.

  • The Tallest Tower: Eiffel and the Belle Epoque

    first year IMAGES OF THE Tower in every conceivable form have been popular since the Exposition of 1889. Indeed , the question of souvenirs got Gustave Eiffel into a lawsuit early in the tower's of existence , for he had granted ...

  • The Tallest Tower: Eiffel and the Belle Epoque

    “ European civilization , ” he declares , “ after having been Roman , Carolingian , Gothic , Renaissance , and Baroque , has become in the 20th century the civilization of the Eiffel Tower . " 18 Roland Barthes , whose writings on the ...

  • Jean Gabin: The Actor Who Was France

    ... still remember that day very well. I hardly knew Jean Gabin, had met him only a couple of days before the shoot. He was a great teaser and I was very young and took everything very seriously. He had teased me a lot on the set, saying ...

  • The Eiffel Tower: Symbol of an Age

    The Eiffel Tower: Symbol of an Age