Books written by Philippe Maurer

  • The Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages

    West African Pidgin English: A descriptive lin— guistic analysis with texts and glossary fi'om the Cameroun Area. Ath— ens, OH: Ohio University PhD thesis. Schrb'der, Anne. 2003a. Status, functions, and prospects of pidgin English: An ...

  • The Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures

    Br. (Germany), where she received her Ph.D. in English Linguistics. She previously worked at Martin Luther University Halle and at Chemnitz University ofTechnology (Germany). Her publications include Status, Functions ...

  • The Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages: Volume 3

    The Atlas and three-volume Survey present by far the most comprehensive source of reference ever published on the distribution and linguistic characteristics of the world's pidgin and creole languages.

  • The Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages: Volume 2

    The Atlas and three-volume Survey present by far the most comprehensive source of reference ever published on the distribution and linguistic characteristics of the world's pidgin and creole languages.

  • The Atlas and Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages

    The most authoritative guide ever published to the world's pidgin and creole languages. The 3-volume Survey describes their histories and linguistic characteristics.