Books written by Martin Thrupp

  • The Professional Practice of Teaching in New Zealand

    These approaches promote the development of inner discipline (Coloroso, 1994) or, like Kohn's (2006) community approach and restorative approaches (Hopkins, 2004, 2011; Thorsborne & Vinegrad, 2006; Winslade & Williams, 2012), ...

  • EBOOK: Educational Management in Managerialist Times

    The book also offers practitioners alternative management strategies intended to contest, rather than support, managerialism, while being realistic about the context within which those who lead and manage schools currently have to work.

  • School Improvement: An Unofficial Approach

    The predictable effect of policies which open up choice and diversity is that high SES schools tend to become thoroughly oversubscribed and can choose their students, while low SES schools struggle to maintain their rolls and have to ...

  • Finland’s Famous Education System: Unvarnished Insights into Finnish Schooling

    Wishful rationalism as a discursive basis for educational reforms? In The Finnish education mystery. Historical and sociological essays of schooling in Finland, ed. H. Simola, 3–26. London and New York: Routledge. 27.

  • Schools Making a Difference

    By suggesting that 'failing' schools are often overwhelmed rather than ineffective, this book provides a sympathetic reappraisal of the performance of teachers and school leaders in such schools.

  • The Search for Better Educational Standards: A Cautionary Tale

    There is an indigenous Māori aspect to the story as well. Finally, this book also provides comparative international perspectives including responses from well-known US, English and Australian academics.