Books written by María José Falcon y Tella

  • A Three-Dimensional Theory of Law

    149 Carlos Santiago Nino: La validez del Derecho, Buenos Aires, Astrea, 1985, pp. 172-173 and 209. José Antonio Ramos Pascua: La regla de reconocimiento en la teoría jurídica de H. L. A. Hart. Un intento de configurar el Derecho como ...

  • Civil Disobedience

    Thus, Luis Prieto, Ruiz-Miguel, Singer, Nino, Malamud or Rodríguez Paniagua”. For his part, Michael Bayles offers a view not altogether consonant with the one here indicated: in “The Justifiability of Civil Disobedience”, ...

  • The Law in Cervantes and Shakespeare

    "Building on her earlier work, 'Law and literature,' María José Falcón y Tella's new study takes a look at the law in the works of Cervantes and Shakespeare.

  • La désobéissance civile face à la philosophie du droit

    La désobéissance civile face à la philosophie du droit

  • Law and Literature

    Law in Literature is undoubtedly the most fertile and documented perspective of this book.

  • Law and Literature

    This is an unending conversation, which brings us back to Sophocles and Dickens, Cervantes and Kafka, Dostoyevsky and Melville, among many others. There are many ways to approach the concept of “Law and Literature”.

  • Lecciones de teoría del derecho

    Lecciones de teoría del derecho

  • Justice and Law

    ... Proceedings of the 21st IVR World Congress, Lund (Sweden), 12–17 August, 2003, Archivfür Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie. BeiheftNr. 95, Alexander Peczenik (ed.), Franz SteinerVerlag, Part I,Justice, 2004, pp. 176–184. Falcón y Tella ...

  • Civil Disobedience

    This is the tradition of non-violence, one of the offshoots of which is the civil disobedience expounded and analyzed in this book.