Books written by Allan Kardec

  • The Spirits' Book

    God, for their punishment, wills that they should believe this. ... They are the pests of humanity, to whatever rank of society they belong j and the varnish of a civilised education is ineffectual to cure or to hide their degrading ...

  • The spirits’ book

    After you have read The Spirits’ Book, you will no longer have any reason to fear death.

  • El evangelio según el espiritismo

    La venganza es una inspiración tanto más funesta cuanto que la falsedad y la bajeza son sus asiduas compañeras. En efecto, aquel que se entrega a esa fatal y ciega pasión casi nunca lo hace a cielo descubierto. Cuando es el más fuerte, ...

  • Gestão estratégica e fator humano

    Diante da dificuldade na formação do profissional de manutenção e levando-se em conta as exigências em relação ao profissional moderno - que deve ser multifuncional, criativo, dinâmico e estar em constante autoaprimoramento -, os ...

  • Heaven and Hell: Easy to Read Layout

    It gives a series of spirit-narratives confirmatory of the Spiritist theory. These works constitute the basis of a religious belief that is equally in harmony with reason, with science, with experience, and with aspiration.

  • Le Livre des Esprits, édition 2021, avec préface de Y. Laurent-Rouault et biographie d'A. Kardec: Incluant les principes de la...

    ... il s'en soucie peu et cela tombe dans l'oubli. Ce dont il se rappelle très bien, ce sont les faits principaux qui l'aident à s'améliorer. » 308. ... elles se perdent dans le vague et disparaissent dans la nuit de l'oubli. » 309.

  • The Book on Mediums: Guide for Mediums and Invocators

    One of our friends had for a somnambulist a young boy of fourteen or fifteen years of age, of very ordinary intelligence, and extremely limited instruction. Nevertheless, in somnambulism he gave proofs of extraordinary lucidity and ...

  • The Spirits' Book

    The power of somnambulistic lucidity is not unlimited, however. even when completely free, spirits are limited in their faculties and knowledge according to the degree of purification they have reached – even more so than when attached ...

  • The Spirits' Book (New English Edition)

    "The Spirits' Book" is the foundational work of Spiritism, a school of thought first established in France in the mid-nineteenth century by the French educator Allan Kardec.

  • What is Spiritism

    What is Spiritism

  • The Mediums' Book: Containing Special Teachings from the Spirits on Manifestation, Means to Communicate with the Invisible World, Development of...

    This is the logical continuation of The Spirits' Book. If the latter establishes the theoretical foundations of the doctrine, this volume deals with its practical aspects.

  • The SpiritsÕ Book (Chinese Edition)

    绝非如此。相反,这一事实更加验证了上帝运用永恒的法则在所有无限的世界中使用神圣力量的观点。[e]诚然,这一理论并未解决生命元素本身是如何起源的问题,但上帝严守着神圣的秘密,并制止了我们的追问。 46.还有什么生物是自发形成的吗?

  • The Spirits' Book (New English Edition)

    "The Spirits' Book" is the foundational work of Spiritism, a school of thought first established in France in the mid-nineteenth century by the French educator Allan Kardec.

  • The Spirits' Book: This Book Constitutes the Most Excellent Repository of Teachings on the Existence and Nature of Spirits and...

    The Spirits' Book constitutes the most excellent repository of teachings on the existence and nature of spirits and their relations with the world, to this day it's considered as the landmark of Spiritism.

  • Spirits' Book

    This Is A New Release Of The Original 1898 Edition.

  • The Spirits’ Book (Chinese Edition)

    ... 穷人,我们会觉得根本不值得为他们担心。然而,他们的处境越是悲惨,我们越是应该避免羞辱他们的不幸。真正的好人是希望让不如自己之人变得更好,缩小他们与自己之间的差距。 887.耶稣还说过: “要爱你的仇敌。”然而,爱我们的仇敌难道不是与我们的自然倾向相 ...

  • El Libro de los Espíritus

    ... todas las fuerzas e inteligencias del universo reunidas? “Si fuese así, Dios no existiría, pues sería el efecto y no ... partes de la Divinidad y constituirían, en conjunto, la propia Divinidad? Dicho de otro modo, ¿qué pensar de la ...

  • La Réincarnation selon le Spiritisme: la croyance théosophique en la vie après la mort d'Allan Kardec, codificateur du spiritisme moderne

    ... réincarnation, dit-il, c'est l'enfer ; la réincarnation, c'est le purgatoire ; la réincarnation, c'est l'expiation ; la réincarnation, c'est le progrès ; elle est enfin la sainte échelle que doivent gravir tous les hommes ; ces échelons ...

  • El cielo y el infierno

    ... el culto que rinden a ciertos animales, a ciertas plantas, e incluso a objetos inanimados. Con todo, el hombre es generalmente más sensible al mal que al bien. Este le parece natural, mientras que el mal lo afecta con más intensidad. A ...

  • El libro de los médiums

    El Libro de los Médiums trata sobre la mediumnidad, facultad que permite la comunicación entre los hombres y los Espíritus de los llamados muertos.