Books written by Lord Lord Byron

  • Lord Byron Poetry Collection

    George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, FRS (22 January 1788 - 19 April 1824), commonly known simply as Lord Byron, was a British poet, peer, politician, and a leading figure in the Romantic movement.

  • The Vision of Judgment

    The Vision of Judgment (1822) is a satirical poem in ottava rima by Lord Byron, which depicts a dispute in Heaven over the fate of George III's soul.

  • Don Juan: By Lord Byron - Illustrated

    How is this book unique?

  • Poems 1816-1823

    Poems 1816-1823 is a collection of poems written by Lord Byron. Byron was an English poet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement.

  • Cain: A Mystery

    Cain is a dramatic work by Byron published in 1821. In Cain, Byron attempts to dramatize the story of Cain and Abel from Cain's point of view. Cain is an example of the literary genre known as closet drama.

  • The Prisoner of Chillon

    In time only the narrator lived. The work's themes and images follow those of a typical poem by Lord Byron: the protagonist is an isolated figure, and brings a strong will to bear against great sufferings.

  • Don Juan

    The story, told in seventeen cantos, begins with the birth of Don Juan. As a young man he is precocious sexually, and has an affair with a friend of his mother. The husband finds out, and Don Juan is sent away to Cadiz.

  • The Waltz: An Apostrophic Hymn

    " Then, and always, he must have experienced the bitter sense of exclusion from active amusements; but it is a hasty assumption that Byron only denounced waltzing because he was unable to waltz himself.

  • Manfred: A Dramatic Poem

    The unnamed but forbidden nature of Manfred's relationship to Astarte is believed to represent Byron's relationship with his half-sister Augusta.Byron commenced this work in late 1816, only a few months after the famed ghost-story sessions ...

  • Poems on Various Occasions

    Poems on Various Occasions is a collection of poems written by Lord Byron. Byron was an English poet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement.