Books written by Michael Sky

  • Jubilee Day

    Which you gonna be, Boyd?” He'd snap to attention, salute, and answer, “Stand up, sir!” Then his father would say, “When the Jews and niggers try to take over this country, there'll be them that appease and them that fight.

  • Thinking Peace

    Anticommunism served for decades as the overarching principle in American politics and public life, spawning the excesses of grade school atomic war drills and backyard bomb shelters, of Joseph McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover, ...

  • Sexual Peace: Beyond the Dominator Virus

    Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson owned slaves . So did George Washington , John Adams , James Madison , James Monroe , and a majority of the founders of America , so commonly accepted was the practice . Still , it is most bothersome to ...

  • Breathing Lessons

    Breathing Lessons

  • Dancing with the Fire

    The forever selfdefeating nature of the skeptical mind cannot see beyond the created limitations of its own presumptions. ... The evolutionary leap and the leap of faith are one and the same: a courageous leap beyond the narrow bars of ...

  • Dancing with the Fire: Transforming Limitation Through Firewalking

    The ritual of firewalking can transform fear for a more productive life. Firewalkers realize the creative impact of thoughts, and break through self-imposed limits with the power of intention. (Metaphysics/Philosophy)