Books written by Zecharia Sitchin

  • The Earth Chronicles Expeditions

    Reveals the course of archaeological adventures and insights that resulted in The Earth Chronicles series • Explores links between the Old world and the New in search of evidence of extraterrestrial gods in the artifacts and murals of ...

  • Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History and Legends, Unearthed and Explored

    Here is a collection of the most controversial articles selected from seventy issues of the infamous Ancient American magazine.

  • The 12th Planet

    The series is offered here, for the first time, in highly readable, hardbound collector's editions with enhanced maps and diagrams.

  • Divine Encounters

    But how much of these are based on real happenings and how much is based on myth?

  • The Cosmic Code

    The Earth Chronicles deal with the history and prehistory of Earth and humankind. Each book in the series is based upon information written on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East.

  • The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god

    The companion volume to The Earth Chronicles series that reveals the identity of mankind’s ancient gods • Explains why these “gods” from Nibiru, the Anunnaki, genetically engineered Homo sapiens, gave Earthlings civilization, and ...

  • The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader

    If his theories are true, as Sitchin wholeheartedly believed, then this collection presents some of the most important knowledge we have of our origins and future.

  • There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA

    The crowning work of the best-selling Earth Chronicles series • Reveals the existence of physical evidence of alien presence on Earth in the distant past • Identifies and describes the demigods, such as Gilgamesh, descended from these ...

  • The Lost Realms

    In the relatively short interval between the completion of the manuscript and its publication, archaeologists, linguists, and other scientists have offered a "coastal theory" in lieu of the "frozen trekking" one to account for man's arrival ...

  • The Wars of Gods and Men

    The Earth Chronicles series, in six voumes, deals with the history and prehistory of Earth and humankind.

  • When Time Began

    Many of those finds reinforced archaeological opinion that the manner in which stones at Stonehenge were smoothly dressed and carefully shaped indicated "influences" from Minoan Crete (the Mediterranean island) and Mycenaean (mainland) ...

  • stairway: Book II of the Earth Chronicles

    In this second volume of his trailblazing series The Earth Chronicles, Zecharia Sitchin unveils secrets of the pyramids and hidden clues from ancient times to reveal a grand forgery on which established Egyptology is founded, and takes the ...

  • The Stairway to Heaven (Book II)

    The Earth Chronicles deal with the history and prehistory of Earth and humankind. Each book in the series is based upon information written on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East.

  • The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return

    In this new volume, Sitchin shows that the End is anchored in the events of the Beginning, and once you learn of this Beginning, it is possible to foretell the Future.

  • Le astronavi del Sinai

    La sesta sezione è occupata da una serie di aree chiuse, poste una vicino all'altra lungo un sentiero curvo chiamato «il sentiero segreto del luogo nascosto».

  • La guerra de los dioses y los hombres

    En este tercer título de la serie Crónicas de la Tierra, Sitchin aporta sorprendentes pruebas que demuestran que los Dioses que habitaron la Tierra hace ya miles de años, realmente existieron; que procedían de Niburu, y que batallaron ...

  • Journeys to the Mythical Past

    The paperback release of the second volume of Sitchin’s autobiographical account of the investigations and discoveries that led to The Earth Chronicles series • Zecharia Sitchin tells how his life was at risk inside the Great Pyramid ...

  • The Earth Chronicles Expeditions

    Reveals the course of archaeological adventures and insights that resulted in The Earth Chronicles series • Explores links between the Old world and the New in search of evidence of extraterrestrial gods in the artifacts and murals of ...

  • The Earth Chronicles Expeditions: Journeys to the Mythical Past

    The Earth Chronicles Expeditions is a masterful historical and archaeological adventure into the origins of mankind and a “must” guidebook for all who wish to visit the numerous sites and museums covered in this book.

  • The Earth Chronicles Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Seven Books of The Earth Chronicles

    The series is based on the premise that the myths from the world’s earliest civilizations were in fact recollections of actual events and that the gods of ancient peoples were visitors to Earth from another planet--the Anunnaki, ...