Books written by Joachim Scharloth

  • Germanic Language Histories 'from Below' (1700-2000)

    Topics covered in this book include language variation and change and the politics of language contact and choice, seen against the background of standardization processes of written and oral text genres and from the viewpoint of larger ...

  • Between Prague Spring and French May: Opposition and Revolt in Europe, 1960-1980

    Student meetings at the university and Polytechnical University in Warsaw. Clashes between students and police in Warsaw. Students at the University of Krakow ratify declarations of support. Ten thousand demonstrators clash with the ...

  • Protest Cultures: A Companion

    For example, Gemma Edwards, “Habermas and Social Movements: What's New?,” in After Habermas, ed. ... See Donnatella Della Porta and Mario Diani, Social Movements (Oxford, 1999); and Nick Crossley, Making Sense of Social Movements ...

  • Germanic Language Histories 'from Below' (1700-2000)

    Towards a Standard English 1600-1800 . Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter , 1-17 . Sundby , Bertil , Anne Bjørge , and Kari Haugland . 1991. A Dictionary of English Normative Grammar 1700-1800 . Amsterdam : Benjamins . van Ostade , Ingrid ...

  • 1968: Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Zwischenbilanz

    Die Chiffre „1968“ ist Name für einen Erinnerungsort, der insbesondere durch seine Sprache das kollektive Gedächtnis prägt. Nach vierzig Jahren ist die Zeit für eine Zwischenbilanz gekommen. Diese Bilanz wird...