Books written by Sam Barone

  • Quest for Honour

    Akkad's warriors are a loyal and courageous brotherhood, but this is not a battle of villages or of roving warrior bands; it is a battle for Empire and a fight to the death.

  • Imperium 3 – Kampen mellom rikene

    En kunstner tegnet omrisset av fuglen på veggen like ved døren, og fargela den så i nyanser av rødt og grått, et flott bilde av ... påtok seg å bake brød for vertshuset, og de to barna hennes hentet bøtter med friskt vann hver morgen.

  • Empire Rising

    Into this violent, unsettled land come the outcast Korthac and the remnants of his mighty desert fighters.

  • Dawn of Empire

    Though not proficient with the bow or sword, they possess a weapon far stronger: the ability to coax food from the ground. This is why the barbarian leader Thutmose-sin hates and fears them.

  • Eskkar & Trella: The Beginning

    Eskkar the warrior and Trella the keen-witted slave girl come together in a mighty struggle to survive a barbarian invasion and build mankind's first walled city.

  • Imperium – Riket vokser

    ... helbrederen undersøkte hodet hennes. Da han var ferdig, skylte han såret med vann fra bøtten. «Ingen ting å gjøre her», sa han. «Bare en stygg skramme.» Hånden til Grond tok ikke lang tid. Helbrederen renset den med et beger rent vann ...

  • Quest for Honour

    The Bronze Age is brought vividly to life in this action-packed historical saga in the tradition of Conn Iggulden, Bernard Cornwell, and Jean Auel The beginning of civilization is fraught with war, invasion, plunder, and rapine.

  • Sentinel Star

    Simply contact the author regarding any technical suggestions or corrections you discover in Sentinel Star.The year is 2052, and the New International Space Station is a nothing more than a decrepit ore freighter retired from the Moon-to ...