Books written by Jun Liu

  • Advances in Adaptive Radar Detection and Range Estimation

    This book provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for the design of adaptive architectures, which take advantage of the available a priori information to enhance the detection performance.

  • 新冠世代城乡中国彩虹桥

    2020年2月自武汉封城,上海新冠疫情愈演愈烈。女儿线上学习、我日常的节奏被打乱,在电脑上写点无意识的记忆文字。提振心神应对日常,事后看这七章成就灾难共和国三部曲之二:《新冠世代城乡中国彩虹桥》。三年大疫,全球两千万人死亡(包括我的奶奶),紧急状态接踵而至,让人目不暇给。几乎每位邻居都有居家隔离的孤独、无聊、愤怒与恐慌。大乱来临,往事浮上心头。本书曾在朋友圈预告,好友好奇文体是否不是专业论文写作。我肯定的答复:散文体。能够自由率性写作是人到中年的福利。许多章节都发给学生先阅读,反馈尚佳。于是我鼓足勇气继续这种文风,偶尔有些注释是实在觉得与作者有缘。 看到王朔先生在《起初-纪年》开篇写道:"想到了历史体裁麻烦,细节考证能累死谁,全知等于难为自己,故取惯常所用第一人称,所见限于一己之侧,能少交待少交待,是不得已......有些人物所行骇人,心机莫测,远超常人所想所能驾驭,亦为第一人称天然具有同情之理解所不容,故在很多篇幅陆续出现第一、第三人称混用章节,乃至最后写丢了第一人称,通篇以第三人称尬然终了。"真是击节赞叹,第一、第三人称混用的同理、尬然和无意识,不能同意再多。本书亦引用了这三年的微信朋友圈文字,都是当时新鲜的文字,更是第一人称。本书本来写的是彩虹桥。三年大疫之后,再读到托尔金的《魔戒》恍悟,也是甘道夫丧生/死而复生的凯萨督姆大桥(Khazad-dûm Bridge)。这新冠就像炎魔的火鞭要了多少人的命,但也将四位哈比少年送达安全的彼岸,开启了希望征途。

  • TESOL: A Guide

    ... teacher educators. Standards for adult education These include separate sets of standards for teachers of ESL/EFL adults, adult ESL language and literacy instruction, and general standards for adult ESL. See ...

  • Biological Rotary Nanomotors

    ... biological motor F1-ATPase: interplay of experiment, analytic theory and computation,” in Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile. Springer Series in Materials Science. eds. S ...

  • Long-Life Design and Test Technology of Typical Aircraft Structures

    This book addresses anti-fatigue manufacturing, analysis and test verification technologies for typical aircraft structures, including fastening holes, shot peening plates, different types of joints and wing boxes.

  • Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: From Data to Continuous Actions with a Python-based Toolbox

    At its heart, this book is focused on providing an end-to-end framework—from design to application—of a more tractable model-based reinforcement learning technique.

  • Asian Students' Classroom Communication Patterns in U.S. Universities: An Emic Perspective

    Following an overview of Asian students in North American higher education, this book presents a focused ethnographic study of twenty Asian graduate students enrolled in a major US university, exploring and describing Asian student's oral ...