Books written by Charlie Chaplin

  • Footlights - Rampenlicht: Die Welt Charlie Chaplins - Der Sensationsfund: Chaplins einziger Roman

    R. Rasch, Ray RCA Studio Reeves, Alfred Regency (Roman von D. L. Murray, 1936) Repairs (Theaterstück) Richards, Nellie RKO-Pathé Studios Royal Albert Hall Russell, Larry. S. Schaffer-Truppe Scheherezade oder Scheherazade (Ballett von ...

  • My Autobiography

    Charlie Chaplin’s heartfelt and hilarious autobiography—one of the very first celebrity memoirs—tells the story of his life, showcasing all the charms, peculiarities and deeply-held beliefs that made him such an endearing and lasting ...

  • Charlie Chaplin's Own Story

    It places me on a far higher plane than any politician.” – Charlie ChaplinOnly a select few actors become international stars in their time, but none had as unique a career as Charlie Chaplin.

  • Charlie Chaplin: Interviews

    A definitive collection of interviews with Charlie Chaplin offers long, contemplative analyses of the man's life and work, as well as his thoughts on the craft of filmmaking, his methods of making movies, the characters he created, and more ...

  • A Comedian Sees the World

    Film star Charlie Chaplin spent February 1931 through June 1932 touring Europe, during which time he wrote a travel memoir entitled “A Comedian Sees the World.” This memoir was published as a set of five articles in Women’s Home ...

  • Charlie Chaplin: Interviews

    A definitive collection of interviews with Charlie Chaplin offers long, contemplative analyses of the man's life and work, as well as his thoughts on the craft of filmmaking, his methods of making movies, the characters he created, and more ...

  • The gold rush-La febbre dell'oro. 2 DVD. Con Libro in brossura

    Tra i cercatori d'oro di fine Ottocento, nell'impervia e innevata Alaska, il vagabondo Charlot condivide con Big Jim la fame e gli stenti e s'innamora della bella chanteuse del saloon (Mereghetti).

  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin

  • My Trip Abroad

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.

  • Charlie Chaplin: Footlights with the World of Limelight

    Charlie Chaplin first formed the story of Limelight as a 34,000-word novella, Footlights.

  • 卓别林画传

    本书作者戴维·罗宾森是英国电影史研究者,电影评论人,他与卓别林一家结下深厚的友谊,因此率先接触到卓别林档案.罗宾森从档案中发掘出卓别林创作的唯一一部小说《脚灯》,并且细致梳理了小说《脚灯》如何转变成电影《舞台春秋》.卓别林以这部电影向电影时代来临之前的杂耍表演传统致意. 同时,本书收录丰富而珍贵的图像资料,包括卓别林的手稿,家族留影,电影剧照等,生动再现了卓别林的心路历程.

  • 卓别林自传


  • My Life in Pictures

    My Life in Pictures

  • Charlie Chaplin's Own Story: Illustrated

    Lane arranged for the series to be published as a hardcover book, Charlie Chaplin's Own Story, in 1916. Rose Wilder Lane was the daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the beloved Little House books.

  • My Life in Pictures

    My Life in Pictures

  • Charlie Chaplin's Own Story

    LIFE itself is a comedy - a slap-stick comedy at that.