Books written by Calvin A. Roberts

  • A History of New Mexico

    “ O , FAIR NEW MEXICO " Elizabeth Garrett was the daughter of Pat Garrett , the man who killed Billy the Kid . She was also one of New Mexico's most remarkable citizens . A blind woman , she was the personal friend of Helen Keller .

  • Our New Mexico: A Twentieth Century History

    Pueblo languages fall into three linguistic groupings : Tanoan ( with three subgroupings , Tiwa , Tewa , and Towa ) ; Keres ; and Zuni , a language unique to that pueblo alone . Present - day New Mexico pueblos are located in six ...

  • A History of New Mexico

    New Mexico's history is presented here for the middle-school reader. The book begins with nine chapters on the Indians, Spanish, and Mexicans prior to 1848; another nine chapters cover New Mexico as a part of the United States.

  • Una Historia de Nuevo Mexico: Tradución Directa de la Tercera Edición

    Estos dos artículos eran la cesta y la piedra de moler . Los habitantes del desierto usan las cesta ... por echar piedras calientes en el líquido dentro las cestas . Usaron la piedra de moler para moler las semillas para hacer harina .

  • A History of New Mexico

    A textbook tracing the history of New Mexico's land and people from the Ice Age to the present.