Books written by Jens Meierhenrich

  • The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt

    “Auf der gefahrenvollen Straße des öffentlichen Rechts”: Briefwechsel Carl Schmitt und Rudolf Smend (1921–1961). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. Meinecke, F. 1911. Weltbürgertum und Nationalstaat. Munich: Oldenbourg. Meinecke, F. 1919.

  • The Cambridge Companion to the Rule of Law

    This high-profile collection provides the first global and interdisciplinary account of the histories, moralities, pathologies and trajectories of the rule of law.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt

    Despite his postwar announcement in Nuremberg about retreating into the safety of silence, Schmitt really only ... “I understand the prophet Jonah, who refused to do the Lord's bidding and go to Nineveh and preach to the people there.

  • Political Trials in Theory and History

    This volume offers a novel account of political trials that is empirically rigorous and theoretically sophisticated, linking state-of-the-art research on telling cases to a broad argument about political trials as a socio-legal phenomenon.

  • Remnants of the Rechtsstaat: An Ethnography of Nazi Law

    This book offers an intellectual history of Ernst Fraenkel's classic The Dual State (1941), recently republished by OUP, and one of the most erudite books on the theory of dictatorship ever written.

  • The Cambridge Companion to the Rule of Law

    Introduces students, scholars, and practitioners to the theory and history of the rule of law.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt

    The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt collects thirty original chapters on the diverse oeuvre of one of the most controversial thinkers of the twentieth century.

  • The Legacies of Law: Long-Run Consequences of Legal Development in South Africa, 1652-2000

    This highly original book examines the function of legal norms and institutions in the transition to - and from - apartheid.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt

    In The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt, ed. J. Meierhenrich and O. Simons. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 245–268. ... In From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, trans., ed., with an introduction by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills.