Books written by Molly Whittington-Egan

  • Mrs Guppy Takes A Flight

    On my way there I bought a box of Bryant's patent safety matches. On arriving there, I was seated next to Mrs Fisher (whom I had met at Mrs Guppy's) and another lady, a stranger. When the séance 149 Vitriol.

  • The Bedside Book of Murder

    They slowed back to normal when , after diligent pursuit of the give - away laundry mark , it was revealed that they had been stolen a few days before from the car of their owner , Cora Bryant , parked near her home at 951 ...

  • Mrs Guppy Takes a Flight: A Scandal of Victorian Spiritualism

    This is her story, finally brilliantly exposed and researched by criminologist Molly Whittington-Egan. It is the story of a brilliant lifelong conwoman and prestidigitateur.

  • The Execution of Mary Ansell

    MARY ANN ANSELL lived and slept in the kitchen of a boarding house in Great Coram Street, Bloomsbury, where she was the sole domestic servant.

  • Scottish Murder Stories

    ... Dr Forbes Winslow: Defender ofthe Insane With Richard WhittingtonEgan The Story of Mr George Edalji (Ed.) The Bedside Book of Murder The Murder Almanac Murder on File Neil Wilson Publishing 0/2 19 Netherton Avenue GLASGOW G13 1BQ.

  • Murder on the Bluff: The Carew Poisoning Case

    The Carew case has never been properly investigated before and Molly Whittington-Egan now reveals the answers to such puzzles as the identity of the 'woman in black' who bought arsenic from the Japanese chemist; the 'mysterious visitor', ...

  • Murder on the Bluff: The Carew Poisoning Case

    In a small white house by a remote Welsh cove, a 90-year-old woman died, full of secrets, on June 27, 1958.

  • Murder on File: The World's Most Notorious Killers

    Narrated by the only married couple in Britain engaged in writing about crime together, the Whittington-Egans combine fact and wit to enliven and illuminate this history of notorious serial killers.