Books written by Jens Krause

  • Fish Cognition and Behavior

    Ryan, M.J. & Keddy-Hector, A. (1992) Directional patterns of female mate choice and the role of sensory biases. American Naturalist, 139, S4–35. Ryan, M.J. (1998) Sexual selection receiver bias, and the evolution of sex differences.

  • Exploring Animal Social Networks

    Berman, C. M., K.L.R. Rasmussen, and S. J. Suomi (1997). Group size, infant development and social networks in free-ranging rhesus monkeys. Animal Behaviour 53: 405–21. Bernard, H. R., P. Killworth, D. Kronenfeld, and L. Sailer (1984).

  • Living in Groups

    1.2 A definition of groups There are a number of different approaches to defining what an animal group is ( Wilson 1975 ; Lee 1994 ; Pitcher and Parrish 1993 ) . Wilson ( 1975 ) characterized a group as ' any set of organisms ...

  • Exploring Animal Social Networks

    There are various measures (Newman 2003a) that estimate this “excess assortment. ... The answer is normalized (forced to have a value less than or equal to 1) by dividing the sum of the excesses by the maximum s of e, ...

  • Fish Cognition and Behavior

    In this fascinating book an international team of experts have been brought together to explore all major areas of fish learning, including: foraging skills Predator recognition Social organisation and learning Welfare and pain Fish ...

  • Living in Groups

    It raises several interesting questions for behavioral ecologists. Why do animals form and live in groups, and what factors influence the ways in which they do this? What are the costs and benefits to an anmimal of group living?