Books written by Nicholas Stergiou

  • Biomechanics and Gait Analysis

    Natural splines of mth order behave like an mth order double Butterworth filter (Woltring, de Lange, Kauer, & Huiskes, 1987) when the superimposed noise is white. Another type of smoothing is digital filtering.

  • Nonlinear Analysis for Human Movement Variability

    In addition, this text: Demonstrates how nonlinear measures can be used in a variety of different tasks and populations Presents a wide variety of nonlinear tools such as the Lyapunov exponent, surrogation, entropy, and fractal analysis ...

  • Nonlinear Analysis for Human Movement Variability

    Each chapter provides examples from the literature and the author's lab on how the nonlinear analysis tools can be used to understand real-world applications. The book concludes with a chapter on specific case studies.

  • Nonlinear Analysis for Human Movement Variability

    In addition, this text: Demonstrates how nonlinear measures can be used in a variety of different tasks and populations Presents a wide variety of nonlinear tools such as the Lyapunov exponent, surrogation, entropy, and fractal analysis ...

  • Biomechanics and Gait Analysis

    amount and complexity of gait variability will be widely valued in the future as a fundamental aspect of clinical ... TestÀretest reliability and concurrent validity of a single tri-axial accelerometer-based gait analysis in older ...

  • Nonlinear Analysis for Human Movement Variability

    In addition, this text: Demonstrates how nonlinear measures can be used in a variety of different tasks and populations Presents a wide variety of nonlinear tools such as the Lyapunov exponent, surrogation, entropy, and fractal analysis ...