Books written by Hans Blumenberg

  • History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader

    Edited by Manfred Sommer. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2002. 24. Beschreibung des Menschen. Edited by Manfred Sommer. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2006. 25. Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit. Edited by Anselm Haverkamp.

  • The Laughter of the Thracian Woman: A Protohistory of Theory

    See Sommer, “Husserl on 'Ground' and 'Underground'”; Fleming, “On the Edge of Non-Contingency”; Savage, “Laughter from the Lifeworld.” captivated by the 'essences'” (von den Wesen erfaßten “Wesen”), and Note on Translation and ...

  • Rigorism of Truth: "Moses the Egyptian" and Other Writings on Freud and Arendt

    His texts, too, contain only a few hints; e.g., in Blumenberg, Ein mögliches Selbstverständnis, 22–23, 81–82; Blumenberg, Die Verführbarkeit des Philosophen, edited in association with Manfred Sommer by the Hans Blumenberg-Archiv ...

  • The Laughter of the Thracian Woman: A Protohistory of Theory

    stars; but it is impermissible after Kant to speak as if that goal still needed to be avoided today: “But we want to pass beyond even these things to the unconditioned, where there are no more things that provide a basis and ground.

  • Work on Myth

    Work on Myth is included in the series Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought, edited by Thomas McCarthy.

  • The Legitimacy of the Modern Age

    In this major work, Blumenberg takes issue with Karl Löwith's well-known thesis that the idea of progress is a secularized version of Christian eschatology, which promises a dramatic intervention that will consummate the history of the ...

  • History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader

    This landmark volume demonstrates Blumenberg's intellectual breadth and gives an overview of his thematic and stylistic range over four decades.

  • Naufragio con espectador: Paradigma de una metáfora de la existencia

    Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer (1979), que ahora ofrecemos con el título Naufragio con espectador, es un texto central en la trayectoria de Blumenberg.

  • St. Matthew Passion

    Blumenberg's guide through this unending story of divine abandonment is Johann Sebastian Bach's monumental Matthäuspassion, the parabolic mirror that bundled eighteen hundred years of reflection on the fate of the crucified and the only ...

  • Shipwreck With Spectator: Paradigm of a Metaphor for Existence

    This edition of Shipwreck with Spectator also includes "Prospect for a Theory of Nonconceptuality," an essay that recounts the evolution of Blumenberg's ideas about metaphorology in the years following his early manifesto "Paradigms for a ...

  • Die Legitimität der Neuzeit

    Nachdem die europäische Aufklärung wiederholt überrascht und betroffen vor dem Scheitern ihrer vermeintlich letzten Anstrengungen gestanden hat, muß sie sich statt der Zuflucht in sanfte und unsanfte Romantizismen die Analyse ihrer ...

  • Briefwechsel 1971-1978: Und weitere Materialien

    Briefwechsel 1971-1978: Und weitere Materialien

  • Care Crosses the River

    In this accessible collection of short meditations on various topics, Blumenberg works as a detective of ideas scouring the periphery of intellectual and philosophical history for clues--metaphors, gestures, anecdotes--essential to grasping ...

  • The Legitimacy of the Modern Age

    The Legitimacy of the Modern Age

  • The Readability of the World

    The metaphor of the book of nature has been central to Western interpretations of reality, and Blumenberg traces the evolution of this metaphor from ancient Greek cosmology to the model of the genetic code to access the different ...