Books written by James F. Nagle

  • Administration of Government Contracts

    ... and Carter Indus., Inc., DOTBCA 2995, 98-1 BCA ¶ 29,625, in which the board rejected the meaning of “action” in Black's ... In appears that any recognized dictionary will suffice, David W.E. Cabell, VAB- CA 3402, 93-2 BCA ¶ 25,598 ...

  • English Learner Instruction through Collaboration and Inquiry in Teacher Education

    approach to preparing history teachers to integrate language and content instruction in their teaching so as to empower ... In addition, we videotaped classes in which infusion lessons were taught and selected three students from each ...

  • Contract Change, Dispute and Termination Mastering the Fundamentals

    The book succinctly addresses the issues of contract changes, both express and constructive; guides us through the dispute process; and clearly identifies contract termination procedures--both for default and for the convenience of the ...

  • A History of Government Contracting

    Written by James F. Nagle, Jr., a nationally acclaimed expert in the field of government contracting, and brought to you by the experts in government contracting, The George Washington University Law School Government Contracts Program and ...

  • Administration of Government Contracts

    This edition explains the rules resulting from the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, the Competition in Contracting Act, the Prompt Payment Act and other key changes.