Books written by Benjamin S. Baumer

  • Modern Data Science with R

    The second edition is updated to reflect the growing influence of the tidyverse set of packages. All code in the book has been revised and styled to be more readable and easier to understand.

  • Analyzing Baseball Data with R, Second Edition

    All the datasets and R code used in the text are available online. New to the second edition are a systematic adoption of the tidyverse and incorporation of Statcast player tracking data (made available by Baseball Savant).

  • Analyzing Baseball Data with R, Second Edition

    Results contains the talent number and number of wins for 1000 × 20 = 20,000 teams. By use of the geom_point() function using the alpha = 0.05 argument, we construct a “smoothed” scatterplot of Talent and Wins in Figure 9.1.

  • Modern Data Science with R

    Closely-related methods, sampling and resampling, were introduced in Chapter 9 when we used simulation to assess the statistical significance of patterns observed in data. Counter-intuitively, the use of random numbers is an important ...

  • Analyzing Baseball Data with R

    The book will be of interest to basefall fans who want to learn some sabermetrics, and also people who know sabermetrics but would like to use R in their data exploration.