Books written by Heimo Mikkola

  • Owls of the World - A Photographic Guide: Second Edition

    Above, the plumage is dark orange—brown, with blackish—brown barring on the crown, neck, wings and tail. The light tawny—ochre upper breast is densely blotched dark brown, and below becomes paler orange—tawny, mottled whitish to dull ...

  • Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide

    Above, the plumage is dark orange—brown, with blackish—brown barring on the crown, neck, wings and tail. The light tawny—ochre upper breast is densely blotched dark brown, and below becomes paler orange—tawny, mottled whitish to dull ...

  • Owls

    for short-eared Asio flammeus and Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus (15,147 prey items) in Europe and Finland. For the Eurasian eagle owls Bubo bubo (17,615 prey items), bats accounted for 0.03% of prey taken in Fennoscandia.

  • Seabirds

    Monitoring the seabird's parameters in marine habitats provides the data to evaluate the factors that cause population fluctuations among different marine habitats. In addition, monitoring, thus helps in conservation and better ...

  • Edible Insects

    UK research outlines a multitude of promising strategies to overcome ‘western’ resistance to eating insects. This book also includes a chapter on the potential of insect farming to increase global food security.

  • Ecosystem and Biodiversity of Amazonia

    Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases. 2017; 8: 657–665 [83] Nava S, Venzal JM, GonzálezAcuña D, Martins TF, Guglielmone AA. Ticks of the Southern Cone of America. Elsevier Academic Press, London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford. 2017.

  • Bats

    DOI: 10.1242/jeb.024620 Jacobs DS, Bastian A. Bat echolocation: Adaptations for prey detection and capture. In: Jacobs DS, Bastian A, editors. Predator-Prey Interactions: Co-Evolution between Bats and their Prey.

  • Future Foods

    Future work will involve conducting similar research on food samples other than Mochi and investigate the generality of the above conclusion. We will also develop a method to judge easiness of 3D laminate modeling from measured values ...

  • Education, Human Rights and Peace in Sustainable Development

    We sincerely hope that this book will contribute to the joint pursuit of humanity to make the world better after we all get over the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Owls of the World - A Photographic Guide: Second Edition

    ... darker still and larger; S. u. yenisseensis, from the C. Siberian plateau, is darker above and more heavily streaked below; S. u. nikolskii, from Transbaikalia and Sakhalin south to NE China and Korea, is brownish-tinged; S. u ...