Books written by J.C. Smart

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume XIX

    The High Status Track. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Leslie, L.L., and Brinkman, P.T. (1988). The Economic Value of Higher Education. Phoenix: American Council on ... Tracking Inequality: Stratification and Mobility in American High Schools.

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research 18

    Complex sample data in structural equation modeling , In P. Marsden ( ed . ) , Sociological Methodology ( pp . 216-316 ) . ... The incorporation of design information in multilevel structural equation models for complex sample data .

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research

    Refinancing the College Dream: Access, Equal Opportunity, and Justice for Taxpayers. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. St. John, E.P., Paulsen, M.B., and Starkey, J.B. (1996). The nexus between college choice and ...

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research 13

    Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities.

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research 15

    Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities.

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research 12

    Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities.

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research

    To recapitulate, Greeks differ from Independents and from the academy's value priorities, but for the most part these differences derive from antecedent charac teristics.

  • Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research

    ... system (McGuinness, 1997).Single institutional governing boards areregardedas decentralized in nature because theyfunction independently ofa largersystem. Toward the morecentralized end ofthecampus governance continuum,the multicampus ...