Books written by Sumit Ghosh

  • Guarding Your Business: A Management Approach to Security

    New York: Freedom Communications, pp. 44-52. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2001. Consultative Document – Operational Risk. Bank for International Settlements. Brown, David B. 1995. Technimanagement – The Human Side ...

  • Principles of Secure Network Systems Design

    Scientific validation of "security on demand" through computer modeling and simulation methods. The book presents an example wherein the framework is utilized to integrate security into the operation of a network.

  • Cybercrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis

    Cybercrime: A. Case. Study. The brief and destructive role of the “Love Bug” virus and computer worm represents a unique case study of the legal challenges faced by police and prosecutors in their pursuit of cybercriminals.

  • Algorithm Design for Networked Information Technology Systems

    ... Parallel Systems. In 8th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, pages 284–98, Heidelberg, Germany, September 1995. R. Kushwaha. Methodology for Predicting Performance of Distributed ...

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems: New Principles and Architectures

    ... of the North American Advanced Train Control System, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., 39(3), 244–255, August 1990. 3 [] Utamaphethai, Noppanunt and Ghosh, Sumit, DICAF, A High Performance, Distributed, Scalable Architecture for IVHS ...