Books written by Jon H. Kaas

  • Evolutionary Neuroscience

    Figure 4 Human cortical regions associated with planning and executing tool use actions. When preparing to pantomime how familiar tools ... A distributed left hemisphere network active during planning of everyday tool use skills. Cereb.

  • Evolutionary Neuroscience

    Studying longitudinal trajectories in animal models of psychiatric illness and their translation to the human condition. ... cortex of the prosimian Galago: patterns of cytochrome oxidase activity and motor maps. Behav. Brain Res.

  • Evolution of Nervous Systems: A Comprehensive Reference

    All biology only makes sense when seen in the light of evolution, and this is especially true for the nervous system. All animals have nervous systems that mediate their behaviors,...

  • Cerebral Cortex: Volume 12: Extrastriate Cortex in Primates

    ... Visual field projection columns and magnification factors in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat , Exp . Brain ... Wounds of the visual pathway . Part I : The visual radiation , J. Neurol . Neurosurg . Psychiatry , 15 : 99-109 ...

  • The Primate Visual System

    The last 20 years of research have been marked by exceptional progress in understanding the organization and functions of the primate visual system. This understanding has been based on the...

  • The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference

    The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Second Edition, is a comprehensive reference work covering the range of topics that constitute current knowledge of the neural mechanisms underlying the different senses and combines all major sensory ...

  • The Primate Visual System

    The last 20 years of research have been marked by exceptional progress in understanding the organization and functions of the primate visual system.