Books written by Cao Wenxuan

  • Bronze and Sunflower

    The sunlight filtered through his eyelids, and the sky seemed red. As soon as Sunflower had chased away one group of ducks, another group poked their beaks into the mud somewhere else. The paddy field was full of the sight of stubby ...

  • Bronze and Sunflower

    Translated from Mandarin, the story meanders gracefully through the challenges that face the family, creating a timeless story of the trials of poverty and the power of love and loyalty to overcome hardship.

  • Feather

    A feather is blown across the sky, meeting various birds along the way, and asking each one, "Do I belong to you?". Cao Wenxuan tells the story of a single feather who is swept away on a journey of discovery and belonging.

  • Feather

    A feather is blown across the sky, meeting various birds along the way, and asking each one, "Do I belong to you?". Cao Wenxuan tells the story of a single feather who is swept away on a journey of discovery and belonging.

  • The Call of the Sky

    In Spring of his second year he hears the the call form the sky and wants to soar into the heavens. Can he leave his mother? The book is a moving description of the conflict between natural instinct and emotions.