Books written by Josie Varga

  • Original Innocence: The Three Mysteries of Life Revealed

    The author sees individual souls as “expressions of God” rather than “children of God.” This is because the term "children of God" makes God seem like a parent seen in a father-like human image rather than humans made in the image ...

  • Visits to Heaven

    As each case is unlocked, Varga gives her readers an insider's view into near-death experiences (NDEs) and afterlife communications with examples, studies, and stories that include apparitional appearances, deathbed visitations, ghostly ...

  • A Call From Heaven: Personal Accounts of Deathbed Visits, Angelic Visions, and Crossings to the Other Side

    A Call from Heaven illustrates that death is not the end and that we all will be guided to the other side, comforting those who are grieving and removing the fear of death for all of us.

  • Divine Visits

    These incredible stories and gripping accounts come from everyday people who say they witnessed a modern-day divine intervention.

  • Visits from Heaven

    If you think youre going to die, then youre in for a big surprise. This book will not only challenge your assumptions, it will give you the proof that you never thought existed.