Books written by Khalil Gibran

  • THE PROPHET (Wisehouse Classics Edition)

    The book is divided into chapters dealing with love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, houses, clothes, buying and selling, crime and punishment, laws, freedom, reason and passion, pain, self-knowledge, ...

  • The Kahlil Gibran Reader: Inspirational Writings

    Inspirational Writings Khalil Gibran. Almuhtada was left alone in this world ; but loneliness never possessed his heart , for the voice of the Master always resounded in his ears , urging him to carry on his work and sow the words of ...

  • The Prophet

    "This book has a way of speaking to people at different stages in their lives.

  • A Tear And A Smile - Parables, Stories, and Poems of Khalil Gibran

    The voices of the throngs, full of joy and thankfulness, flooded the sky with exhilarating song, welcoming the new tyrant who would affix the yoke of oppression to their necks by ruling the weak with bitter authority, and exploiting ...

  • Gibran's Little Book of Love

    A compendium of writings by the early twentieth-century author of the best-selling The Prophet challenges couples to reevaluate their beliefs about love in order to share healthier and more spiritual relationships, in a volume that features ...

  • Khalil Gibran: Complete Works (Wisehouse Classics)

    This volume contains the complete works (poetry and fiction) of Khalil Gibran. Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese-American writer, poet and visual artist, also considered a philosopher although he himself rejected this title in his lifetime.

  • The New Frontier and Sand and Foam

    There are in the Middle East today two challenging ideas: old and new.

  • Khalil The Heretic

    Sheik Abbas was looked upon as a prince by the people of a solitary village in North Lebanon.

  • Le prophète

    "Durant toutes ces années, le prophète a côtoyé les collines, conversé avec les vents et murmuré au creux des arbres. Étranger au peuple d'Orphalese, il a pourtant appris à le connaître et à l'aimer.

  • Le Prophète (édition enrichie)

    Nouvelle édition en 2017 Long poème en prose écrit en anglais par un auteur libanais, Le Prophète est un chef-d’œuvre dont le succès ne s’est jamais démenti depuis sa parution en 1923.

  • Le prophète

    Ouvrage composé de questions et de réponses données par le prophète Al-Mustapha

  • Le prophète

    Bientôt, Almustafa reverra son île natale. Mais il ne quittera pas la cité d'Orphalèse sans dispenser à son peuple les enseignements de sa profonde sagesse. Chercheur d'absolu, il se fait poète et prophète, à l'heure du départ.

  • Le Prophète

    Chef-d'oeuvre absolu, Le Prophète est un des rares livres d'éternité qui serve notre méditation et donne un sens à notre vie. Cette nouvelle traduction restitue la vraie saveur du texte original.

  • Le Prophète

    Long poème en prose écrit en anglais par un auteur libanais, Le Prophète est un chef-d'œuvre dont le succès ne s'est jamais démenti depuis sa parution en 1923.

  • The Prophet

    Read Gibran's masterpiece in print! Set in the mythic city of Orphalese, The Prophet is a poetic treatise on all facets of life, from the daily realities of clothes and houses, to questions of love, beauty, and self-knowledge.

  • Rebel Spirits of Khalil Gibran

    His early writings reflected his rebellious spirit, as expressed in this work, written in 1908, which constitutes a critique of traditional social customs.

  • The garden of the prophet

    'The Garden of the Prophet' is the sequel to Gibran's much-loved best-selling 'The Prophet'.

  • The Prophet

    The Prophet is a truly ground breaking inspirational book of poetry consisting of a series of prose poems.

  • L'Oeil du prophète

    le. mien. Vous avez votre Liban avec son dilemme. J'ai mon Liban avec sa beauté. Vous avez votre Liban avec tous les ... Votre Liban est une ruse qu'ourdit le renard lorsqu'il rencontre l'hyène et que celle-ci trame contre le loup. Mon ...

  • Collected Works Of Khalil Gibran

    Collected Works Of Khalil Gibran