Books written by Paul Iganski

  • Criminology: A Sociological Introduction

    Osborne , R. ( 1995 ) ' Crime and the Media : From Media Studies to Post - modernism ' , in D. Kidd - Hewitt and R. ... Parker , H. , Sumner , M. and Jarvis , G. ( 1989 ) Unmasking the Magistrates : The Custody or Not ' Decision in ...

  • 'Hate Crime' and the City

    ... of Antonio Gramsci ( edited and translated by Q. Hoare and G. Nowell Smith ) , London : Lawrence and Wishart . ... Hewitt , R. ( 2005 ) White backlash and the politics of multiculturalism , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press .

  • Criminology: A Sociological Introduction

    Maguire, M. and Corbett, C. (1987) The Effects of Crime and the Work of Victim Support Schemes, Aldershot: Gower. Maguire, M. and Corbett, C. (1991) A Study of the Police Complaints System, London: Home Office.

  • Ethnicity, Equality of Opportunity and the British National Health Service

    McCrone, D. and Kiely, R. (2000), 'Nationalism and Citizenship', Sociology, vol. 34, no. 1, 19-34. Mclntosch, N. and Smith, D.J. (1974), The Extent of Racial Discrimination, PEP Broadsheet no. 547, Political and Economic Planning, ...

  • Criminology: A Sociological Introduction

    Paine, T. (1791–2/1984) Rights of Man, with an introduction by E. Foner, Harmondsworth: Penguin. ... Phillips, C. and Brown, D. (1998) Entry into the Criminal Justice System: A Survey of Police Arrests and Their Outcomes, ...

  • Hate Crime: A Global Perspective

    This short, accessible text takes on the global and pervasive phenomenon of hate crimes and hypothesizes potential fixes.

  • Criminology: A Sociological Introduction

    Written by a team of authors with a broad range of teaching and individual expertise, it covers almost every module offered in UK criminological courses and will be valuable to students of criminology worldwide.

  • Hate Crime: A Global Perspective

    This short, accessible text takes on the global and pervasive phenomenon of hate crimes and hypothesizes potential fixes.

  • Ethnicity, Equality of Opportunity and the British National Health Service

    This book reports the results of research carried out for the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting to evaluate NHS equal opportunities policy.

  • Hate Crime: A Global Perspective

    This short, accessible text takes on the global and pervasive phenomenon of hate crimes and hypothesizes potential fixes.